Doctors are stupid

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Emilys POV

It all starts the same. Everyday I get up in the morning and I get dressed put on my make up and go to school. I walk in the door and get pushed into my lockers. Then I go to my classes and get bullied. When I have lunch I get a break from jackasses. I sit with my friends, Jessica and Kyle. Sometimes they get picked on when we hang out. They tell me its nothing. But I know it bothers them, so I feel bad. But this week I felt like it was going to change.

I wake and do the same but I wasn’t going to school because I have a doctors appointment. My mom takes me. I don’t even know why i am going im not sick or nothing.

¨Mom do we have to go?¨

¨Yes its very important!

I swear she hates me.¨

I guess it’s nice to go so I can miss school and i don’t have to deal with all the bullies. But whats wrong with me? We finally get to the doctors office after an hour sitting in the car. My mom signed me in and we waited.

¨Dr.Harts will take you in this room¨ the office lady said.

My mom and I walked in the room and we waited for a couple of minutes and the doctor walks in. He sits down with a concern face and I got worried.

¨Emily how have you been feeling¨ the doctor said concerned.


¨Let me see your wrist please¨

I showed him my wrist and I was nervous. What if he sees my scars? What am I supposed to say?

I remember when i was twelve and I first started to get bullied. I would eat lunch in the bathroom by myself. Thats when I first got depression. I used to hide in the bathroom and cut myself. I realized that I was staring at the doctor tearing up. My mom started crying as she looked at my scars on my wrist. Why was she crying? She never cared for me. Ever sice my dad got a new job she hates me. My dad is only home on the weekends. I wouldn't be surprized if he is cheating on mom. Shes nuts. My dad would post a picture on facebook of him and his mom and she would think thats his gf. They also fight about stupid stuff.

¨You have depression¨ the doctor said.

                It’s sad that I already knew that so sat their with a blank stare. My mom looks at me and her eyes are watery. I feel bad because my parents have to raise a messed up daughter. The doctor described me with pills, Anti-depressant and for bipolar. We went home and I went to bed. Im probably not going to take them to be honest. There stupid and useless if they dont work. I don't have sucidal thoughts.  

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