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So...I dont have any friends...My mom hates me....My dad is probably with another family. Why?

Did I do something wrong? If i did im sorry...

Well Im at school and the popular people ditched. I dressed up nice today :) I knew they were ditching so I decided to look nice. As im walking in the school people were staring at me. Do I look that bad? Or do I look good? Whatever. Then thats when i seen him. Brendon. He has been going to this school for awhile but Im in love with him! He is so adorable and Perfect. Hes popular though..Wait Why is he here?

Brendons POV 

All of my friends were ditching school today. I don't even know why I call them my friends. They make fun of everyone. I just told them I need to go so my grades get better. But whatever. Im only going to school so i can see Emily. She so perfect. I feel bad cause my friends and I make fun of her. I stopped with that crap. Its time for me to grow up. I saw Emily walking in the halls and she was staring at me. Awkward much. She was wearing a dress and she curled her hair. She looked really pretty. What am I saying! I cant like her ill get made fun of! 

I noticed she looked really depressed so I shouldn't say anything. She probably thinks that im going to bully her since im at school and no other popular kid is. Holy Crap! Im going to be late to class......

Well its lunch and im sitting alone. Maybe I should sit by Emily shes sitting alone. Ya I think I will. I walk to her table. 

¨Is anyone sitting here?¨


¨So whacha doing?¨

¨Nothing just eating my lunch¨

¨Öh thats cool¨ 

¨Yup, so why are you over here?¨

¨Because we both were eating lunch alone¨

¨Oh so your going to bully me!¨

¨Woah, no.¨ ¨Im over that, i swear¨

¨Yeah Okay¨(sacasim) 

¨Well I want to get to know you better¨


¨Why not?¨

¨Because im the biggest loser in this school!¨ 

¨No your not!¨

And thats when I did it. I leaned over and kissed her cheek. I could tell she had problems but so do I. She started to blush. 

¨So you wanna hang after school?¨

¨Umm Sure?¨

¨Well im in a band and were having practice so you can just tag along with me¨

¨Okay sounds cool¨

Then lunch was over. Well that was fun. Wait I just kissed her! What the hell was I thinking. Actually I dont care anymore. She is so perfect. With her brown curley hair. I could tell she shopped at hot topic. Thats awesome. A girl that I actually care about and her name is Emily Jackson. 

Emily POV

I can't Beleive he just kissed my cheek! Maybe he likes me! Probaly not im way too much of a loser to be seen with him.  He will probaly ditch me when we go to his band practice. Well I guess I will find out.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2014 ⏰

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