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jeongguk was a lot of things. he was attentive, smart, loyal, and a lover of animals. all animals. he was just casually walking the sidewalks of his college campus and saw a group of pigeons pecking at something in the middle of the courtyard. his heart instantly jumped at the sight. he nearly cooed at the damn birds. so, he did the first thing he could think of, he grabbed one of his sandwich bags in his backpack and took out the one that had a few grapes in it.

by the time he got them out, only one pigeon remained. it must have been left behind. jeonnguk wonders if birds can feel loneliness. he wonders if they understand korean. "hi, pigeon," he says slowly, and when it doesn't respond or become aware of jeongguk, jeongguk thinks he got the answer to that question.

he takes the grape out of the bag and places the sandwich bag back into his backpack and he tries to snap his fingers for the pigeon to see the grape, but to no avail. he tries to call it over, he tries. a few students pass him looking at him like he's out of his mind, but jeongguk doesn't care. he cares about the pigeon's hunger status as of right now.

so jeongguk did what he thinks is the best solution to end this one-sided stand-off of jeongguk vs. hungry pigeon: jeongguk pursed his lips and whistled at the little pigeon, beckoning it with his hand outstretched, offering a grape to it once more. it looked up at jeongguk with a blank stare before turning its head away, entranced in everything else. jeongguk frowned and sighed. he didn't want the grape to go to waste and he could tell that the pigeon was looking for food. jeongguk wasn't a bird whisperer, sure, but he just wanted to help. sue him.

so he did the next, next step. he pursed his lips once again and sucked in a deep breath. then the sound that came out of his mouth was a bit more louder than he anticipated. his whistle resonated to what sounded like a wolf whistle and then-

"excuse me?"

jeongguk looked up to see a young man, tall, wearing black rimmed glasses and an expression on his face that looks like a mix of anger and confusion. jeongguk cocked his head to the side a little bit and blinked.

"excuse... you?" jeongguk replied back, unsure of what the young man was asking or even saying. he tried to look behind him to see if the pigeon was gone but he couldn't. he frowned again.

"you just wolf-whistled at me, dude," he says, voice deep and jeongguk feels his heart do something weird. he furrows his eyebrows. "do you know how terribly degrading that is? to wolf whistle at people? do you honestly think that makes you superior or does your small brain think that's a great way to get someone's attention?"

jeongguk is shell-shocked now. his eyes go wide and his mouth goes agape and he can't seem to say anything because what the hell? he wasn't whistling at a person, he was whistling at a damn pigeon- jeongguk tries to look behind the stranger again and there's no pigeon in sight now, dammit- and he groans, dropping the grape to the ground now then putting his face into his hands.

a loud sniff. "yeah, that's right. feel ashamed."

jeongguk looks up and sees that the guy is walking away now and he gets up sort of quickly and runs up to his side, the guy gives him a look of disinterest and annoyance and jeongguk knows that he fucked up. "no, you don't understand-"

he rolls his eyes and pushes his glasses back up his nose and jeongguk stares for a second too long at the action because the guy is making a motion with a hand, like hurry up, i don't have all day. "oh?  do tell. enlighten me then."

jeongguk sighs and puts his hands in his pockets. he doesn't know what he should say or how he should say or or even to word it because this guy was obviously done with him and it's just a whole misunderstanding. "it was at the bird-"

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