Chapter 4

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     "Nigga I'm sparing you at this moment. But don't you ever let me catch you in the streets. & that's on auntie." I say to scrappy in disgust. "Fuck you. Y'all ain't nothing but some dykes anyway." Scrappy says in a pained voice, holding his nose. I really want to beat his ass to a pulp but Bambi stopped me. "Y/nn, come on. Fuck his pencil dick ass." She says trying to push me out the room. Not before she Sparta kicks his ass in the chest making him hit the wall & pass out.
    "Come on Bam." I say grabbing her hand, dragging her out the house. We get out outside, Malaysia is leaning against the car with her head down. I drop Bam hand as she says "Why you look so sad L?" Malaysia looks up, with a somewhat cold look on her face. "Why do you do this? You go missing for weeks at a fucking time. I be worried sick." She says in a hurt voice. Bam looks down to play with her fingers & opens her mouth to say something. "I-what do you want from me L?" Bam says angrily. I think I'm going to just go sit in the car cause they're starting they shit again.

Malaysia's POV
     " The fuck do you mean, what do I want ?" I say just as angrily as she did. "Bitch I fucking love you but because you want to fuck with niggas like that, I have to sit around and wait for you?" I asked her. Bambi looks at me like I grew two heads. "Girl I never asked you to love me. I ain't ready for all of that cus." She says, attempting to brush me off. "Yo you're confusing as fuck. But Ight. You got it big fella." I say with a shrug and turn around to get in the back.

    I feel Bambi's arms wrap around me. I could feel her breathing on my neck. "Chill out L. I'm sorry." She says softly while turning me around in her arms. I'm looking in her eyes. I really love her. I have since we were kids. Besides Y/n, she's the only other person I wanna spend the rest of my life with. "Stop doing that to me. Don't keep lead-" before I could get the rest out my mouth, I feel her lips on mine. Do I kiss back ? Of course you idiot, I say to myself and I wrap my arms around her neck, kissing her back.

    I look out the window to see these fuckers kissing. Ain't that bout a bitch? Truth be told, since we were kids, this has been an ongoing thing. We've never fucked eat other. Let alone kiss one another but we're grown now. I've been in love with these hoes for awhile. But I mean, do I date them both? Or should I keep my feelings to myself ? I look away from them while gnawing on my lip. I'll figure it out. I always do.

Bambi's POV
Her lips are the softest of soft. All I see are fireworks. This bitch give me butterflies and I'm not okay. "Mm" Malaysia moans. I take that as the perfect moment to deepen the kiss. I let my hands slide down to her ass cheeks, & my tongue into her mouth. She chokes me as we battle for dominance. I win because I lift her onto the car not even breaking the kiss.

    Air starts to become a problem so we break apart. She's breathing hard so I kiss her neck softly, just how she likes it. She enjoys it before she pushes me a lil. "Bambi, why do you do this to me?" L says in a whine. I stop kissing her neck so I could look her in the eyes & say this. "I love you the same way you love me. I always have L. Ain't nobody gonna take me away from you or Y/nn." Her look softens. She rolls her eyes. "Okay okay. Give me another kiss so we can go." She says with a smirk. I peck her lips, and help her down. We both get in the car. Her in the front, me in the back. No I just have to admit my feelings to Y/nn. This is going to be hard.

     While I'm zoned out, I hear the car doors open which snaps me out of my own world. "Sooo, how was it?" I say with a smirk, wanting to know how the first kiss went. I'm genuinely curious.

     "Girl, just drive this damn car back to Shaunie house. You'll know sooner or later." Malaysia said with that smart ass mouth of hers. "I'm going to fix you." I say out loud while starting the car. "Yeah whatever nigga." L says. "Smart ass mouth." I mumble under my breath.

     "What you say? I feel like you said something." She says with an attitude. "Damn what's wrong with you ? I ain't say nothing. What, you need some dick or something?" I said while keeping my eyes on the road. I hear Bambi bust out laughing in the back. "She needs more than that Y/nn. Ole uptight ass." Bambi says. I hear and somewhat feel Malaysia turn around. "B, shut up please. & yes, I do need some dick. Are you going to give me some?" She asked. I quickly cut my eyes at her. Do I say yes or is this a set up? Fuck it. "I mean, yeah if you want it. Do as you please. Y'all ain't gotta ask." I say with one hand on the steering wheel, the other one on the button to roll my window down.

     Whew. They're making a nigga hot. "Noted." They both say at the same time with amusement in their voice. I shake my head. "Y'all wild." I say with a laugh. Let's just make it back to Auntie house in one piece please.

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