I'm to broken to fix

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Cassidi's POV

I'm worthless,I'm dameged,I'm a huge fuck up,I'm a mistake,I shouldn't be alive,I'm just causing unnecessary pain for good people,and poor Diana,I'm putting her thought all this,I wish I was dead.
I think to myself as I come back from the stable after winning the race,of course,and I over here daneel going on about medication and shrinks for me,oh hell no!

"I will not be medicated,okay,no way in hell am I taking those "happy pills" again,I tried and gave up,that's just what I do,Kay"I mutter as I go back to my room with dad and Danny trailing behind me talking about misunderstanding the situation.really I'm not stupid.

An hour later dad walks into my room,I'm sitting on the floor, absentmindedly tracing one of my scars

"Hey,cas, let me just explain,okay?,we didn't want to upset you,but can you tell me what's going on in that head of yours"he asked, I did not want to answer but Jared and Nick padalekie were standing right by my only escape,FUCK!

"Do you want the lies or the truth?'

Jensen's face trembled at my statement,"please cassidi,I want the truth,okay"he said,god!if he actually knows what I think about myself,well he's in for a real treat (here the evedent sarcasm)

"Jared, Nick,can you please go"I asked,I really didn't want them to know how broken I am,they nod and leave,know it's just me and Jensen,well,fuck me gently sideways

"I,um...well how do I start

show me all your scars(adopted by Jensen ackels)Where stories live. Discover now