ur least fav gamer is here

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its me im the least fav gamer

hi guys!! im posting this in here bc i dont think anyone actually cares lol ???

it's been a wild couple weeks/month/month and a half for me but things have been figured out and stuff is settled now so i figured it was a good time to make (another) return hehe

so, i was almost homeless, and not in a weird edgy way or smth like my family was genuinely almost homeless in the middle of winter in ontario with pets

my .. former? best friend ghosted me so im tryna handle that mentally 🤪

ive been babysitting my nephews for like two days a week for the last month and i think they hate me. we gucci.

uh,,, ok i guess other than the homeless thing it hasn't been wild but my mental health plummeted and i am currently more depressed than i've ever been but i also decided to try witchcraft! what a concept! it's given me a weird sense of comfort and idk if it's me attaching to it bc im lonely or what but i'll run w it for now lol

anyway how are u? how's life been?

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