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"gap, talk to me, dammit."
she'd been ignoring me for two days.

"why, you afraid i'm gonna make you fall in love with me by ignoring you?"
we'd made it to her locker,
the green chipping off the metal and i ignored the death glares
Carson Collins was sending my way,

"...we have to talk about this."

"what's the point? you know where i stand on this."
she shrugged, throwing her books into her locker.

"so, what? do you just expect me to date you and not want it to go anywhere?
can you explain this 'relationship' to me,
because what you're saying doesn't make any goddamn sense."

"you don't get it, do you?
i like you, i like hanging out with you,
isn't that enough?"

i stayed silent as i watched her run a
hand through her blonde hair.

"but i'm seventeen, i want to have fun not basically be married and then when i get older and the relationship dies, i don't wanna be sitting in my living room with a cat, hating the fact that i spent years on a dumb high school romance.
and i fucking hate cats."

i sighed, "i get that, but-"

"listen, we can go on dates; we can have fun, just know that i'm not gonna fall in love with you anytime soon. we're not exclusive; the closest thing you'll get to that is a quickie in the boy's bathroom. unless you're up for a completely open relationship, leave now because i don't wanna hurt you, you seem like a nice guy."

"psh, i'm about as nice as the glares your
ex-fuck is sending my way."

and that was how
g a p and Chuck

ended up walking down the school hallways together.
hands molded together in the silence;
i wondered if i'd get hurt in the long run.

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