Are you a friend or no?

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E: "welcome to the next chapter. before I start I want to say this is a few days after Yugi meet Yami and Ryuo. I couldn't think of anything else for their remeeting so i decided to timeskip since I have somewhat of an idea."

Yami: "is it a good idea?"

E: "you might meet 2 new characters....idk depends on how much I feel like writing."

Yami: "Are they good people?"

E; "i don't want to spoil anything."

Yami: "E answer the question before I murder you."

E: "somewhat for both." *smiles then looks away*

Sasuke: "E doesn't own Yugioh or Naruto. She only owns the plot and any OCs she adds. Please do not steal."

Naruto: "Enjoy!"

(Editors note: I started writing this in the day after I published the last chapter. I will talk a little about the current events of the world at THE END OF THE CHAPTER )

Yugi's POV

It's been a few days since I've met Ryuo and Yami. I'm happy I met Ryuo but I'm still very uneasy about Yami. I have very mixed feelings about him. A part of my trusts him and a part of me feels like he betrayed me and hurt me. I don't know why I would want to trust him I mean he wanted me to die!

Anyway I'm going to get snacks for the movie night Naruto, Sasuke, Emma, and I are going to have tonight. I'm excited because this is the first time we've been able to hang out since Yami and them have come to town. We have a bunch of new movies we're going to watch I can't wait!!! I look at the list to see what I need to get. "Potato chips, Cheetos, soda, candy, popcorn, and pizza." I say not looking where I'm going.

I bump into someone and fall on the ground my list flying away. "ouch....I'm so sorry!" I say. "What where your g- Yugi?" A familiar voice asks. I look up and see Ryuo? But he looks a lot different....a lot more darker and meaner. He helps me up. "You ok Shrimp? I didn't hurt you did I?" He asks. Shrimp? Why does that nickname sound so familiar....I hold my head as I get a headache.

I look around and seem to be in a class room. I see evil Ryuo coming over toast next to me. "I can't believe the stupid teacher made us partners." He grumbles. "Your just mad you're not partners with Ryuo." I tease. "Shut it Shrimp." He says. I laugh and shake my head. "I knew it you're mad that Ryuo isn't your partner. guess you'll have to live with working with me this time." I tell him. "I guess so. I'll be coming over your house.  before you ask if you come over to mine Yami will steal. you away and no I don't want my project partner to get stolen from me leaving me with all the work." I nod. understanding. "Good now let's get to work you annoying shrimp."

"Hey easy. Take It easy." He says and helps me sit down on the side of the road. "You ok?" He asks. "Y-Yes I think so......You're not Ryuo are you?" I ask him. "No I'm not. My name is Bakura." He says introducing himself, "Don't bother introducing yourself I know who you are." I nod then think. His name sounds very familiar. That's when I remember hearing Yami say it before.

"Did you do something?" I ask. "Do something?" He asks confused by my question. "Well Yami when I saw Yamii for the first time he was confused on why I didn't go near him and then he said. 'oh I get it. this is because of what Bakura did.' so what did you do?" I ask. "I got you mad from playing a prank on you. You probably don't remember but Marik and I are big pranksters." he says, "Speaking of which I would like to apologize."

"Apologizes? For what?" I ask. "For pulling that prank."He says, "If I never pulled that prank you would have never gotten hurt and thrown into the water.  it's my fault you have amnesia. I can never take back what I did but I hope you can forgive me for causing you so much pain." "I forgive you Bakura. If you are asking for my forgiveness and are genuinely sorry then I have no problem forgiving you." I tell him. 

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