Ch17 Date

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Strange how one could have so many sleepless nights couldn't it? In fact, when was the last time he had a dream at all? The last time he dreamt was that old memory with Lancer four or maybe five days ago, and that was a rare pleasentry. Well, one could chalk it up to just being too tired with all the stress and emotions going through him lately, but he couldn't care less. He was tired, worn out, and done with the situation he was in. But luckily it seemed things were starting to slowly go back to normal. Of course, he had no dream that night either. He blamed it on returning home so late at night and being so warn out, he didn't even have the energy to deal with any of his nightly beauty routines and just went down like a sack of potatoes ounce he got in range of the mattress. That night had been quite a blur and he was still sleeping heavily once morning had risen. The sheets were all wrinkled and lazily tossed over the sleeping worm's body, his body slowly rising and falling In his sleep. Including the light snoring, he could easily call himself lazy if he could see himself right now, but since he couldn't he'd have to settle for just dealing with it. Not that he was really complaining to be honest. But if he was awake, he could've noticed the door to the shop slowly opening and the little bell's jingle. Or hear the footsteps that lead up to the entrance of the small bedroom in the back.Yellow eyes blinked at him. An unsure look upon the small intruder's face. He watched as the worm continued to peacefully sleep, his body laid half way off the bed in an almost comical way but this wasn't the time to laugh. Right now was the time to ask what he actually wanted to ask. Professionally and correctly this time. As Seam put it-"Do it in a way that normal people do, and not in a way that scares him off. Try approaching him in a calm manor. Im sure he'll be more open if he feels calm around you."WAIT! Would it have been more professional to knock before entering? He assumed Rouxls would've been awake by now with how precise he insists on being, he didn't think he would find him fast asleep snoring away. Would it be worse if he woke him up? Would he react badly?He stared at Rouxls for a couple more seconds, just standing there and wringing his hands together. A few more seconds of just silently standing there, he took a deep breath and shuffled forward. Stopping at the edge of the bed, he took a moment just standing there and watched him. His face was calm and other than the snoring, not a sound came from him, it...was rather peaceful to be honest. Now that he got a good look at him, he could better see the small white freckles dotting across his face and the shimmering eyelashes against the cool blue skin. He could feel his face heating up a light purple at the sight. Quite the pretty sight-.....He could also see the scars slashed crossed his face. Blinking, he leaned closer-....There were...scars on his face. Three to be precise. One over the left eye and lower cheek, and one near the right corner of his mouth. It-It looked like claw markings almost. The confusion made him blink more, a clawed hand coming up to move a strand of glittering white hair from his face. What the- Where did these even come from? They were too fat in length to be his or Seam's, so that was a relief. But then....what caused them? He turned back to stare at the one over his eye but instead found an open white eye staring back him. Both froze. Neither moving due to the fact that he been caught- In one quick (but slaggy movement due to Rouxls being still half asleep) the worm yelped in shock and pushed himself up and away from the small imp's face. Jevil, in shock, stumbled back and landed on his hind. Yellow eyes panickingly looked up at him and watched the confused worm stare at him. The mitch matched eyes blinked slow and confused at the small imp sitting on the floor, as soon as he recognized who exactly it was, he groaned, yawned and reached a hand up to rub his face."What tis thou doing here?""I-I....Ahehe-" He gave a nervous smile when the duke turned his attention back to him, raising a brow. "I-I came to make up for last night, last night?" The worm continued to give him a skeptical look before sighing. "I doth have nay choice. Do I?""You promised, promised.""I didst not think that thou meant first thing in thy morning."The worm yawned again and this time stretched out his body. A pop sound came from his back and his hands rubbed down the length of his spine as he turned back to Jevil, who by now had stood back up and was looking at him with a hopeful look. There really was no getting out of this was there? But the thought of Jevil bothering him for the rest of the day was absolutely not an option either, he couldn't fathom how he got himself into these situations.....but maybe if- He looked back to Jevil who was now looking less hopeful and more nervous. His hands wringing his tail. What if he could mold this situation to his liking? Yes. This day could still turn out nicely, considering if Jevil coroperates with him this time. He looked back to Jevil and dared to give him an experimental smile, the purple imp perked up a bit. "So...Thou wantest to make amends with mineself?""Oh yes, yes! Hu-ha!" His smile returned in full making Rouxls grit his teeth to keep the smile. "I want to very much, much!""Well then....How wouldst thou l-likest to-" He gulped down the bile he felt before pleasantly replying in a sweet tone. "-h-helpest me with a few things today?"The imp immediately gasped before gigglng in glee at the offer to help Rouxls for the day, tail shooting straight upwards and wagging around like an excited puppy. The site of those eyes lighting up a bright yellow and his giggles sent a very nice but surprised shiver up his spine. "OF COURSE, OF COUTSE! I CAN DO THAT!!"A smile spread across. Perfect."Lovely. Now if thou will please exit mine room so I mayest get dressed accordingly." He pointed a blue hand towards the entrance back to the shop entrance."Oh! Yes, yes. Of course." Jevil gave out a few more giggles of glee before turning on his heel and bounding out said entrance. Rouxls watched after him before sighing and reaching up to once again run a hand through his hair. He was still very much tired, but hopefully getting a (hopefully) small headache now will save him from a bigger headache later. With another groan he threw what was left of the blankets off him and flung his feet off the bed-***************************************Jevil waited impatiently on the other side of the counter, casually balancing on his tail like usual. It had only been maybe at most a few minutes but it honestly felt like an eternity. The urge to just pop the question then and there was tempting and he mentally slapped himself for not asking it sooner, but then again the duke seemed really cranky when he woke up. Helping him out with what he wanted would help make up for it and possibly score some extra points. Besides, if Seam could help him so could he! He could help Rouxls even better than Seam could. He could do it! HE COULD DO ANYTHING!! And he would prove it! He didn't have to wait much longer. His ears perked up at the approaching footsteps and he turned just as The worm waltzed his way out the door, another fancy suit adorned his body and his hair was neatly draped over his shoulders. How many of those did he have? He smiled as soon as Rouxls's eyes gazed upon him and he could have sworn his eyes became a little softer.Rouxls rolled his eyes and sighed. Body straightening into a professional pose. "Today I intend to finish up a few jobs I haveth yet to completeth. If thou insists on...'helping' me today, then I will allow it. But on the condition thou behaves thineself?" He raised a brow as Jevil nodded excitedly but decided not to comment on it. "Good. Now first thine on mine agenda is to get mine lock fixed! I don't want anymore thieves taking mine wares. " He took maybe two steps away from the counter before a rumble and groan came from the worm. Jevil tilted his head curiously at the annoyed looking worm before meeting his annoyed gaze. "...Correction. First thing on mine list tis breakfast-"The ground was already pretty dry, even after the large amount of rain from not too long ago, which was fine to Rouxls, he'd rather not get his good boots. Luckily he was able to satisfy his hunger with what worms he dug up a few days ago, but he still felt empty and rather tired, Jevil had pointed it out when he noticed the bags under his eyes. He sure felt like he was carrying a lot of weight, but since when has that stopped him from doing what needed to be done? The cool wind was nice today. A nice change from the stuffy air that was Seam's shop, hopefully his special touch changed that....Of course Seam did seem the lazy type. He couldn't fathom how he could've possibly let himself make all those bad descisions. Letting dust settle on everything until it looked like a dirt bomb had went off. Keeping useless damaged items around to rot among the shelves. Not cleaning out that fireplace for who knows how long- not to mention it was a dangerous fire hazard- Oh! And not teaching that unruly child some better manners. Seriously, he ought to know. He has Lancer after all-..Lancer?Oh, he must be causing so much trouble right now. Insisting on riding that engine powered bike through the halls, not understanding his King duties,...Going down to the dungeon. That's what he feared the most. For down there lied the former King Spade. Poor Lancer was so naïve, so....Too nice. He'd be easily manipulated into letting the terrifying former king loose, and what then?! He'd go crazy! He'd take his anger out on everyone....including Lancer. A hand unconsciously went up to touch his face- He needed to get back there and care for his son. No one else would be able to take care of him like he would. He NEEDED him- That train of thought stopped with one single sentence from Jevil-"Are you feeling, feeling ok?" The worm completely stopped, blinking his eyes at Jevil. The imp floated eye level with the duke and gave a confused look at the worm. "You started talking, talking to yourself."He blinked a few more times looking dazed before clearing his throat and turning around to continue down the path again. "I-I amst fine. *ahem* N-Now cometh along! We have nay time to dottle." Jevil made a hum but didn't question his actions just yet. Instead floating after him. " So where are we of to, to now?""Well, first order of business is to refurnish mine shoppe. Which is why I brought this!" With a flap of his cloak the worm proudly revealed an old looking bag from his side. Where did he pull that out from? The bag was old and it looked strangely familiar. Was that- "I'm sure Seam wouldst not mindest if I borrow his knapsack for one trip."....Jevil blinked. "Uh- What exactly, exactly are we going to do with that?"Rouxls rolled his eyes. "What else? We art picking more of those dangerously calorie filled dark candies for commoners to eat and die a sugary death...And to fillest mine pockets with darke dollars of course. " He pointed to a patch of trees in front of his that was blooming with fresh looking candies from their branches. "Those will suffice. Come."
The small patch of trees were indeed full of plump star shaped candy, some of the biggest candies Jevil had seen honestly. When asked how he knew of such trees, Rouxls explained Lancer had been the one to discover the trees and (forced) convinced Rouxls to come and see his new discovery. His mitch matched eyes crinkled in a smile at remembering the fond memories, his smile showing off the small gap between his upper teeth. A rather cute sight, his own soul thumping at the sight of the rare display of happiness. The ground around them was littered with old branches, leaves, and candies that was just starting to rot away, from last weeks storm no doubt. Rouxls had handed the bag to Jevil and ordered him up towards the branches with the biggest dark candies. Ok. This should be easy. ....It should have been easy. It turns out the duke was extremely picky with his choice of candy. If he found even just the slightest bruising or anything wrong with it, he would order Jevil to immediately get rid of it. Seemed like a waste of good candy, so rather than get tossed on the ground, the candy found itself tossed into the blank abyss that was Jevil's mouth.The next few times had a rinse and repeat pattern. Rouxls would take up to a minute scanning the trees as if trying to decipher a hundred year old puzzle with Jevil floating boredly waiting for orders, until eventually he would point one out. Jevil would pick, and bring it to said duke who would examine it in excruciating painful carefullness, and if up to his standards, the lucky star would be tossed into the sack. It took maybe an hour...or two at most for the bag to even be partly filled because the duke would start a small argument whenever Jevil almost dropped one in without consulting him first, making Jevil roll his eyes and retort with a "You're being too picky, picky". But otherwise he entertained the duke's 'rules', wouldn't want to risk a giant argument when he seemed in a good-ish mood. He just had to follow Seam's advice for now. Relent and make sure he was comfortable and calm around him....Though calm might've not been the right words to describe an overly perfectionist like Mr. Kaard over here. By now the bag was almost filled to the brim with the fat dark candies, and Rouxls took a few more minutes examining the actual fullness of the back before nodding his head in satisfaction at the job well done. Jevil sighing in relief, thank goodness that job was over with.....But then Rouxls asked him to get some of the best dark candy tree leaves he could find, whipping out an empty glass jar of nowhere. When asked why, he simply said "For darke candy tea leaves of courseth! Doth thou have any tastes?". Another round of examining and slight annoyance on Jevil's part followed until the jar had been completely stuffed with dark candy leaves, which Jevil ended up holding along with the bag.He was again slightly surprised when Rouxls once again pulled another thing from under his cloak. This time a paper and feathered pen...Seriously where did he get that from? He made a small checkmark by the top near some words and Jevil noticed it was a list-

. pick up darke candy

.restock the living courters

. fix thee lock

.reorganize new wares

Yep. This was definately something Rouxls would do. Speaking of which- The worm smiled proudly at the work done but when he went to take the bag off of Jevil, the imp pulled the bag away with a smile.

"I can carry it, carry it! Don't worry about me, me!"

With a little reluctance, Rouxls agreed to let Jevil carry the items, and by 'carry' he meant have them magically float alongside them as Rouxls directed them down the path once again.

"Where to now, now?"

"Seam's shoppe-"

"WHAT?!" Rouxls paused and gave him a look, CRAP! Jevil quickly smiled and awkwardly chuckled. "O-Oh. Really? Why may I ask, ask are we going there?...There."

"Seam tis thee only other shoppe open that is not a part of the castle or myself." He faced back forward and began walking again. "So tis only natural to assume he has what I needeth......Art thou coming?"

Reluctantly he followed after the worm, but now with a sour anoyance to his face. Not that Rouxls seemed to notice or care about, he seemed more focused on getting the things on his list done. So when they came to the Sheap's opening, Jevil grumbled under his breath, ducking in after Rouxls and putting on an annoyed frown. Of course the old cat would be there, smiling as patient as ever. But he did look slightly amused to see the pair and tilted his head.

"Greetings, Duke. Jevil. What brings you to my humble home today? Did you forget something?"

"Nay! I amst simply here because I needst some things for mine comfort for the rest on my banishment."

Seam chuckled. "Well I wouldn't call a break a banishment, but Im always open for customers. Have your look around." The blue man scoffed dramatically before turning back and walking to a shelf near the right wall filled with stocked foods. Making Seam chuckle again, A grumble turned the cat's attention back to the floating companion of the duke. The poor fool looked annoyed to be there, arms crossed, and curious enough, a bag and jar floating alongside him. He chuckled good naturedly at the frown the jester adorned, making him frown a bit deeper. "And here I thought you would be entertaining the young king today. Did you get fired old friend?"

He gave a dry huff and sarcastic smile. "Only if, if- I simply asked the dear child for the day off, off to take of dear Rouxls, Rouxls..... He seemed worried, worried about him."

Seam hummed. "It's perfectly understandable. The boy isn't usually without the duke, or so I've heard. Tell me, how is he holding up?"

Jevil shrugged. "As energetic and clueless a child can be about running a kingdom." A real smile and chuckle graced his face for a moment. "He's causing quite the handful for the other kings and servents. Last night he wanted to order everyone to eat worms for dinner-" He was interrupted by a gag sound coming from the old cat who's fur bristled up at the thought of squirming insects entering his mouth. Jevil of course laughed at that earning a quick curious glance from Rouxls. "Not one for exotic quisine eh Seam?"

"Don't tell me YOU have started eating those things?" He shrugged and Seam shuddered in disgust. "Have you asked the Duke yet?," he asked changing the subject. Jevil's smile immediately faded and he gave a side glance.

"Um....Not yet, yet. He seemed rather..cranky, cranky when he woke up."

"So you're helping him shop?"

"N-No! Im making up for my past mistake, mistake yesterday! Happiness leads to good choices-"

"Oh, I see." Seam leaned against the counter, head in paw. Giving his own version of a smug look. "Jevil. In all our years of knowing each other, I've never took you for a kiss up."

Jevil gasped in a dramatic way, hand on his chest like Seam had just insulted his mother. Seam chuckled harder at the jester's reaction but neither had time to react before the footsteps of the duke approached the counter. He had an aray of items in his arms which included some of the dried or canned foods, and a few smaller things like tissues and some yarn. He placed them all down on the counter and gave Seam an expecting look. Without question, the old cat smiled politely and went to start reading the small price tags attatched to them to calculate the price.

"So how has your day been if I may ask? Or you don't have to say anything. It's none of my business." His one good eye glanced up at Rouxls.

Rouxls sighed and rolled his eyes, but answered, "Doing what I should have gotten done days ago. Getting things organized in an orderly fashion within mine space..." He glanced at Jevil. "With some minor help of course."

Jevil flashed a toothy grin which made the duke slightly cringe at. Seam didn't miss that for one second. The duke didn't go full on defensive mode, so that was a good change of pace at least. He wondered if Rouxls had gotten all his anger and stress out yesterday or if he was just really tired for a moment. The bags under his eyes weren't very impressive- But how the duke slept wasn't any of his business now is it? But he's your soulmate, a voice whispered in his head.

Yes, well he's also Jevil's and doesn't seem interested in persuing romantical feelings with anyone let alone a bouncy, little fool like Jevil or an old torn thing like me.

Then why are you helping Jevil?

He's my oldest friend. It's my fault he was kept from his soulmate for so long. It's the least I could do. Besides. This is nothing but a last game before the end.

Then why are you feeling jealous over this whole thing?


"Hmm?" He looked back up into the raised brow look of Rouxls. He pointed to the ball of blue yarn he was currently holding.

"Thou hast been staring at that ball of twine for quite a bit. Is somethinge wrong?"

"Wha- Oh! Oh. Oh, no. Nothing but an old cat's thoughts."

"...Alright." He continued to watch as the cat sighed...sadly and put the ball of yarn back with a few other colors of yarn. All still with a raised brow, he turned to Jevil with a questioning look, but the imp seemed just as confused as he stared back with a similar facial expression and shrug. He heard cats loved balls of yarn, perhaps he was taking one of Seam's favorites? Or maybe it reminded him of something? He shook his head, who knows what goes on in that cotton filled head of his? Oh well. Soon enough, the old register made some clinging noises as Seam pressed down on some of the keys, with a smile, he turned back to the pair.

"That'll be sixty-four fifty-two, Duke. Of course unless you don't want them anymore."

Rouxls was quick to dig into his pocket and throw down some cash onto the counter, he had places to be after all. To Jevil's surprise yet again, the duke pulled out another bag from under his cloak - ok. This was getting ridiculous. Could he teleport things too, or was there a giant hidden pocket within the underside of the cloak he wore?- Granted, this one looked as if it was homemade from yarn instead of the patchwork rucksack that was seam's. Knitted maybe? Rouxls wasted no time grabbing the items and started stuffing them within the neatly knitted bag. Seam watched with a patient smile as the duke finished stuffing said items into the bad and turned to leave.

"Thank thee. But I must be on mine way if I amst going to make good timing I must be on mine way. "

"Oh. Well In that case I wish you a good day Duke." With a quick glance he turned back to Jevil and smiled again. "I suggest you go to. You never know when your opponent might make a surprise move. Hopefully you'll make yours soon."

Rouxls was grumbling in annoyance again. Surprise, surprise. Even after giving Malius the one hundred dark dollars to fix the lock- This started a whole argument with the blue duke and hammer headed darkner, because as Rouxls said, "ONE HUNDRED?! Whomst charges that much for a simple lock!? Thou art a thief and a cheat if you think I amst paying THAT much for a dam LOCK!!" Luckily Jevil managed to step in and cool Rouxls down and somehow talk sense into him. Enough to get Rouxls to pay Malius in advance to come fix the lock tomorrow- Which made Rouxls even more annoyed because in his opinion, that 'metal-headed jerk' just loved to make him wait on purpose. He would've laughed because seriously, who fights over a door knob? But he decided to remain calm and just try to steer Rouxls away from another dramatic display of shrieking. Plus it would only serve to delay what he so desperately wanted to ask of him, in the meanwhile though- They were walking back towards Rouxls's shoppe. With the duke staring at his list and mumbling to himself, and Jevil floating bordly behind, the bags and jar right behind him. They passed maybe one or two guards and jigsaweries who stared in confusion or hid behind one of the many dark candy trees in fear of Jevil (or to the Jigsawries the dastardly villian Duke who was once upon a time given their jobs by the Ex-King Spade). They paid them no mind though. They had more important things to do right now.

"That whole trip was almost a complete waste of time! What waseth that lunatic thinking?!"

Jevil shrugged and let Rouxls rant his frustrations out. He had gotten the idea it might've been better to let all his anger out other than letting it pent up, no matter how slightly annoying it might've been. Plus wouldn't it be more kind to let him vent? That's what good partners do right? It didn't take too long before the two finally came up to the worm's shoppe, closed sign up in the neatly scrubbed store window so luckily no one came in and took anything while they were gone. The small bell over the door jingled when the duke pushed the door open and waltzed on in, Jevil in two with the supplies beside him. The worm sighed in relief at finally getting back home and getting most everything done for the day, well except for getting his lock fixed and getting more sleep, but that was beside the point. He almost forgot Jevil was there before he spoke up again-

"So what now, now?"

He jumped a bit and blinked back at him. "Um...W-What?"

"What are you going to do with all theses, these things now, now?" He gestured a clawed towards the still floating bags.

.....Rouxls blinked. "O-Oh! Of courseth! Ahaha. How couldst I forget? *ahem*" He reached his arms beside Jevil and grabbed one of the floating bags and the jar of leaves. "I shalt puttest mine personal belongings away, if thou still wishes to helpeth mineself-" He gestured his head begin him towards a shelf with neat crates stacked upon it. "-puttest those ghastly tooth rotting sweets without those. And try not to drop any on mine clean floors."

With that Rouxls turned back towards the counter and started towards the other side of it. Most likely to put whatever he bought from Seam's sheap away. With a sigh, Jevil turned to the shelf and rose a hand. With a motion of his fingers two crates flew off the shelf and into the air, while the old bag full of dark candies floated towards them. With another finger motion the top of the bag opened-

"And put those in there carefully! One byest one if thou hast to. I nay want bruises on my product, only the best are sold in mine presence."

The floating imp threw a 'really? Im so done right now' look over his shouler at the busy worm, but only sighed and decided a fight wasn't worth his breath right now. Turning back to the work at hand, his body turned to a laying down motion with one hand holding his head up and the other one outstretched in the direction of the floating objects. His hand lazily moving in an up and down, making the candies float out of the bags ten at a time and carefully set them within one of the two crates. A small silence filled the room other than the shuffling of Rouxls moving around objects behind the counter or the sound of candies being put inside the wooden crates. It was calming to Rouxls, after dealing with the annoyance of constant bugging and fighting with everyone, it was nice to just sit back and work on his own things. Silence was something he greatly appreciated but barely got to have unfortunately with his many duties and raising a feisty boy, but at least there might be one good thing about this 'break'-

"Rouxls, Rouxls?"

Speak of the Jevil. Rouxls sighed and asked without looking up from the counter, "Yes, Jevil? Didst thou wantest something?"

He couldn't see it, but the small imp was giving him a nervous look from where he was floating. "Y-You are going with Seam as,date for the ball yes,yes?"

That sentence made the worm pause his actions and lean up to look at the nervous jester.....Did he agree to Seam being Well, he did agree to let Seam go as his Plus One for the ball, but only because he offered to help keep an eye on Jevil. Di- Did that still count as a date? ...Would Jevil go insane if he said yes? Another look at the jester made him have another thought. If he said yes, was he less likely to bother him during that time? He'd have more time to watch over Lancer and help set order at this event.

He pondered his thought for a moment, before looking back to the jester and hesitantly saying. "...Yyyeeesss??"

Jevil's face dropped a little bit upon hearing that, but he just smiled back politely and responded with a polite. "Oh....Seam is a lucky, lucky one."

"I...suppose he is." He began to turn back to the counter-


He looked back to Jevil. "Yes?"

Jevil gulped and smiled wider. "If....someone else, else asked you about a ....d-date, date....W-Would you accept that offer?"


Rouxls continued to stare at the nervously grinning jester in silent shock. Did he just....ask about his romantical standards?

He blinked. "Well....I g-g-guesseth if one whomst asking is one I find a-attractive...t-then maybe? W-W-Why doth thou asks?"

His stomach sank after asking that, because Jevil's face lit up with a new hopeful smile and his tail slightly wagged back and forth with his new smile. Rouxls could feel his pupils shrink, his ears droop as the reality of what was about to happen hit him with the force of a hundred spade kings. Jevil didn't seem to notice though as he asked his next question with hopefully pride-

"Rouxls, Rouxls. Would you m-mind, mind...going on one with me?...Me?"

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