-4- Me against the world

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The jerking from my window was just the harmattan wind.
What a relief...

I woke up from another terrible nightmare. I was soaked in my sweat for racing and screaming from the nightmare.

"Hadassah we are late for school" Ojo said with a bang on my door.

" Please hurry up I hate Miss Patience's punishment" she continued waiting for me to open the door.

Miss Patience is one of our Language teachers, humiliating us is what she calls her punishment skills. She made us clean the junior class last term for coming late to school. The Juniors always laugh and whisper to each other showing that they're enjoying it.

My mom's knock brought me back to Ojo's worries at my door.

" Hadassah! What has gotten into you? Do you know what time is it? And you locked your door again"

I opened my door and let my worried mom and friend in.

"Mummy, I'm not feeling well today and I can't go to school" I lied.

" Okay, get ready so I can take permission from work and bring you to the hospital" my mom said and hurriedly left my room without a chance for an excuse.

Ojo won't stop talking, asking a lot of questions. I missed talking to her so much that I felt like trusting her with my secret.

"Bestie, I wondered why Owen is so
distant from me lately, did he call you or say anything?" Ojo asked.

I signed for her to get me water from the kitchen to shut her up.

She went but threaten to get her answer as soon as she gets back.

Ojo is a very smart girl but over pampered by her parents. The round skirt and white short sleeve looks good on her.

How do I handle my mom now?

As I was still thinking, my mom burged into my room holding her handbag but disappointed to find me in the spot I was thirty minutes ago and undressed.

"What's wrong with you?" " I asked you to get ready and you're still in your night wears?" " I can't believe this!" My mom said feeling my body temperature as she still complained of my recent behaviours.

"Mom..." Meg called from the door. " I don't want to be late for school" she whined.

"Oh dear! I took permission to take your sister to the hospital because she's not well" my mom said with her arms akimbo.

" I will drop her off and go to school, I'm already running late" Ojo suggested grabbing her bag from my bed where she sat close to me.

"Oh that sounds great, please don't forget her lunch bag it's on the fridge. You can have this for the bike fare" my mom brought out #200 from her bag and handed it to Ojo.

She saw them to the door and came back to my room shortly with a frown.

"Look here young lady, you have just ten minutes to get ready because I have only two hours to attend to you. I have a lot of work at school and can't miss a class"

my mom quarrelled and left my room with her handbag.

I thought of locking myself in the room, but my mom and Ojo saw me a while ago and I was just fine. But why? I want everyone to leave me alone. I sighed and took a quick shower and quickly wore a blue jean, white t-shirt and blue sneakers.

Zipping my black hoodie and rushing down stairs, I overheard my mom complaining to my dad on the phone.

" Honey, I'm beginning to suspect many things with this girl o, her recent behaviours, no, no, no, I will just call you from the hospital for any developments, yes dear, talk to you soon... Bye.."

she ended the call and found me standing behind her.

" Go out and tell the door man to help us get a taxi quick! You know how this Kubwa is during the week right?" My mom ordered.

I slammed the door behind me and try to avoid those owl eyes in our block. The guys next flat are always nosy. Thank God I didn't see any of them, I found the door man taking his hot tea and a very big loave of bread as he try to ask me why I wasn't in my uniform with his mouth full. I observed him struggling with the bread in his mouth and signing for me to give him answer.

"Hadassah!" Oh my gosh, my mom, "yes m-mom" I managed to say.

"Where is the taxi?" She asked.

Sorry mom, I apologized. And followed her like a sheep going to the slaughter. We got a taxi, bargain and took it to St. Mary's Hospital, Kubwa.

My mom registered me and we were asked to wait a while for consultation. Shortly a nurse took us to a doctor's office. I was so excited it wasn't my mom's friend Mrs Brown. Because she works there too.

"Tell me Hadassah, what's wrong with you? Does it hurt anywhere?" The doctor asked. I gave him a glare that almost killed him.

He screwed the system for my temperature results from the nurses section and shrugged. My mom saw the doctor's reaction and begged him to tell him what was wrong with me.

"Madam, I will recommend that some test be done on her and after that we can actually diagnose and help, but for now, NOTHING" he said writing the test required.

My mom took the sheet to the lab, my blood was drown for the test. She asked when the results will be ready, and we were told to return in three hours time. My mom sighed and got up, pointed the way out for me to go first.

I headed for the exit but she saw Mrs Brown and they got talking. I wondered what they were discussing, they look very serious and my mom kept turning to look at me as they talk.

The hospital is just too crowded with sick people, babies crying from their section for immunization needles, nurse walking up and down, the doctors walking majestically in their lab coats with their hands stuffed in the pocket not minding the facts that people are queued up to see them. I don't want to be like them. My dream is to become a psychologist, to listen to people and give them advice.

If it's still possible.

My mom was approaching me and I don't know but I felt terrified.

"Madam! Let's go home we have a lot to talk about" my mom said as she approached me.

But what can we talk about? Has anyone told her anything? My stomach was rumbling so loud that my mom turned and looked at me before pushing the exit door.

On our way home, my mom phoned my dad to brief him on my so called health situation.

Shortly, we were home. She changed her clothes and left for work.

"You have to eat your breakfast and think about what you've gotten your self into" she said before leaving the house.

Why would my mom say something like that? What did result say? But it's not up to three hour......

I need to know why every thing and everyone is against me.

"Well, I guess it's me against the world then" I thought out loud laying on my bed, the only place that can keep my secret.

But soon, I got to let the cat out of the bag.


Well guys, how is the story going? Should I stop or change something?

Don't forget to vote for Hadassah!

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