Chapter 4: One ex down, on to the next

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*** I began this story with Can's ex, Polen but I also wanted to add an ex for Sanem because EK did not give us that. I wanted her to have a past that he would have to deal with.
** I will return to Huma and her meddling in the next chapter.

Can and Sanem have been dating for about 6 months and things have been going well. They let Polen know and sent her on her way with her tail between her legs, they had received blessings from their parents, albeit Huma. They were sitting on the coach at Can's house on a Saturday afternoon when Sanem's phone dinged with an incoming message. Can picked up Sanem's phone and in the process of handing it to her he saw the message was from Baruk, who he knew to be an ex of Sanem. Can asked Sanem why Baruk was messaging her and Sanem shrugged her shoulders in response because she hadn't had any contact with Baruk in over a year. Sanem didn't even bother with opening the message. Can encouraged her to open because he was curious as to what he could want after all this time. Sanem opened the message with Can so that he could see as well. The message said: Hi Sanem, it's been a while since we have talked. I know I did a lot of things to hurt you and damage our relationship and for that I am sorry. I am back in town and went by the store and your dad told me that you no longer worked there and that you had a job at an advertising agency. I am so proud of you!! I would love to meet for cai, I know how much you love it, and catch up. Love Baruk. Sanem was speechless and Can was livid. "What the hell? Who does he think he is, trying to come back with into your life, with cai and how he knows how much you love it". Sanem tells Can to sit back down next to her after his abrupt burst of anger. Can sat down, cupped both of her cheeks and said, "you are mine". Sanem smiles and responded with "I am and he doesn't matter". Can said " he wants to see you Sanem and what if he wants you back". Sanem said " so what if he does, I don't want to see him". They sat back and watched their movie, smiling and cuddling one another. The message far from their minds until another chime and another message. This one almost pleading for a response and a meeting to take place, today. Can can't help himself and wants to be a little devious. He runs his plan by Sanem and she smiles in agreement. ** The plan was for Sanem to respond and agree to meet for cai and to talk but Can would also be there and they would introduce themselves as a couple who were in love**

Sanem agreed to meet with Baruk at a local coffee shop. Can was also seated at the next table just waiting to **show this loser that he has no chance with His girl**. Sanem sat with her hands twisted with just a smidge of anxiety. She had told Can about Baruk but only some of their history, the main thing being his anger and his infidelity. Baruk comes in and at first doesn't see or recognize Sanem due to her no longer looking like an innocent girl with bouncy curls and tennis shoes but now her hair was in waves down to the middle of her back and she was wearing a black dress with heels. He stopped before acknowledging her and covered his mouth but also adjusting his crotch because the sight of her got him a bit excited. Sanem had her head down and didn't see this but Can did and he stood up ready to **punch him in the face**. Baruk cleared his throat and said "Sanem". She looked up with only a half smile. Can was standing up, glaring at this man, but sat back down to follow the plan.  ** If he does one thing to make my love feel uncomfortable, I will kill this man **
Sanem acknowledged Baruk and gestured for him to sit, he attempted to kiss her cheeks but she avoided him. ( Can smiled at this). Baruk began by commenting on how "beautiful and mature she looked" but Sanem just half smiled and said "thanks". Baruk asked her about her job and this is when she truly smiled. She told him that she was the tea girl but had been involved in developing ideas for campaigns that have been successful to the agency. She went on to say that she had hoped of being a copywriter. She looked down at her hands, glanced over to the table next to her and then up with a radiant smile and said that the best part of her new job was not the work but that she had met "her beloved" there and they are happy and looking forward to the future together. Baruk choked on his tea at her radiant smile and the mention of having a beloved. This was the part of the plan where Can was to come in and introduce himself. Can improvised a little and gave Sanem a big, loud kiss then extended his hand to Baruk and introduced himself as her beloved. Baruk smirked and loosely shook Can's hand. Can scooted his chair right next to Sanem and placed his arm around her shoulders. He looked into her eyes with love and admiration without ever saying a word, but she knew exactly what he was saying to her. They both turned to Baruk and said " we must be going, we have dinner plans" and they stood up to leave. Baruk couldn't help but stare at Sanem's backside and curves as she walked away holding Can's hand, Can turned to see this and smiled with his "yep she's mine, your loss buddy" smile, and turned back to leave with his beloved.

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