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Panting, he ran, in search of a friend. Yet, no trace apparent, les a small puddle of blood.

Tears creeped upon his eyes, bursting from them, as he released a cry.  Forbearing it, in fear of the wolf. Gazing up at the moon, he stood. Wiping away the tears, Angel squinted at the white marble in the dark sky, surrounded by glistening diamonds. Looking deeper, almost trying to find something. It seemed that this man in the moon, almost called to him, but like a siren he listened. 

Falling upon the ground, Angel covered his ears almost whimpering. Voices seemed to cloud his mind, clinching at the dirt. The soft voices turned into growls, no roars. Like a demon, scratching at his consciousness.  He stood, reassuring himself, he was not crazy, he was not losing his mind. If only he could.... A sharp pang strutted down his spine.  Resulting in a shrilling scream, a wretched cry bursting from his lips. If one could describe it, he felt as though his bones were slowing being pulled out of his flesh. Only to be shoved back in, so painfully slow, so forcefully.

His eyes shut, as his strength was draw directly out of him. Only to be awaken again. He banged his fist upon the dirt. Anger overtaking him, 'Why?'  He questioned, 'Why is this happening to me?' The voices crowd around him but no one in sight. They chant, louder, as he ripped his clothes, from of the painful heated flesh. His bones aching, his back arching, as his wretched cry's erupting through the park, his fear of the being searching for him, no longer apparent.  Closing his eyes again, he rested only for them to open with panic. He tried to scream only to hear a howl. He tried to cry, only to hear his whimpers. His eyes searched round about him, as he took a step tumbling. He looked down, seeing his new blacked frame. An abnormally, large paw clearly visible. His breath hitched as he took multiple steps back in a panic. Only for those very paws to move with him. He let out an echoing howl.

He stopped trying to recollect himself. He took a step forward, as his left paw pressed into the ground infront of him. He felt the warm dirt under his paws. He let his head down, shifting slow looking round his newfound body. See the tail flick, he grabbed at it. Spinning around, he missed. Like a small puppy he snipped at it again. Round repeatedly until giving up in dismay. He stood tall, as he felt the power coursing through the veins of the creature he lived within. Power in himself. Turning he jumped. Jumping into a trot, then a steady sprint. Escalating into a full run. He ran dodging the trees, jumping over bushes. Running like life itself was in his grasp. His snout pointed to the sky, howling. He ran even the more, faster, quicker, the freedom. Exhilarating. Finally, he slowed, trying to come to a halt, only to trip over its roots.  He snuffs, irritated at the mistake. But he was just born today. He stood; as his body began to shake involuntarily, almost as a dog shakes when wet. He examines himself slowly, 'I am a wolf.' He licks his snout, with a wolfy grin. He sniffs at the dirt, acting out many things he'd seen his uncle's dog doing. Rubbing his nose at the leaves a dirt, only to sniffle and bat at his own nose. He found this amusing. Then a smell caught his nose, he looked up turning round about, searching as he trotted forward. His eyes focusing in on every nose. His head swerved as he saw a smaller white, though still very large, snout sticking out from behind a small brush. He crouches low growling, the snout disappearing behind the brush. 

Taking no thought, instinct pressing in him. He charged diving through the brush. Tackling the creature, not much smaller than him. He growled looking down as the oceany purple eyes of the white creature stared back at him, unafraid.

'Angel...' a small timid, voice rings through his head like a soft violin, he jumped back hesitantly batting at his hears. He whimpers, covering my head with my paws. "Angel?" He looked up seeing her. The white wolf, trotted forward, licking his snout, sniffing round about him, as he watched slowly. She sniffed his neck, his fur licking him slowly. He snorted softly. She rummaged behind him sliding her snout under his tale sniffing, with a small quick lick. Pushing his hindside up. He shuddered at the feeling, before coming back turning snapping at her with a low growl. She hopped back, almost with a smirk, and a twinkle in her eyes.

"Bell" the name booms again. Bella... A sharp pain ran down my spine, it felt as though his spine had just popped out place and then restructured. He howled, as a nose nuzzled at my side, he whimpered softly, as the soft nose and warmth of her began to calm him. 

The pain of his change began to dissolve as she touched him. She was familiar. He settled on the ground as he tired from the transformation. Struggling to stay awake, His eyes flickered, head bobbing until his eyes finally shut, falling into the warm peaceful sleep.

Too Be Continued...

Deadly Living Series - Book 1 - Teaser | RAGE! (Fangs An Shadows)Where stories live. Discover now