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So before you read this. I never made something clear cause I kind of just forgot. So before Levi was turned into a 6 year old, he was 23 in this story. Eren is 19 as well as Mikasa,Armin,Jean,krista,and Connie. Bertholdt and Annie are 20 and Reiner is 21. Hange is 23 and Erwin is 28. These are the ages in my story okay so :3

Eren walked over to Levi who was inside the cardboard box.
"Hey Levi..." Eren crouched down. "I need you to drink this."
"What's that?" Levi pointed at the cup.
"It's special juice." Eren explained. "Remember the one we tried giving you last time?"
"Oh..." Levi nodded.
"Here.." Eren handed the cup to the boy. "Try it."
Levi grabbed it and smelled it.
"It smells weird." The boy commented.
"I know." Eren frowned. "But just try it..."
Eren anxiously watched Levi bring the cup to his mouth. Levi tilted his head back slightly as he began to drink the substance. He spat most of it out.
"Levi no!" Eren grabbed the cup with some substance left over. "You need to drink all of it."
"I don't like it."
"Please, for me?"
"...okay." Levi grabbed the cup and slowly put it back on his mouth.
The boy tilted his head back and quickly swallowed the rest of the substance. He winced slightly in disgust. Eren smiled nervously at the boy. Hange and Eren began to observe him.
"What?" Levi looked at the two of them.
They didn't respond and waited for what seemed like forever but it was really only a few minutes. Levi looked at his hands as he sat in his box.
"Nothing happened." Eren looked at Hange.
"That's so strange..." Hange furrowed her brows. "Maybe it takes some time for it to take affect."
Eren turned back to Levi who was playing with his fingers.
"His haircut looks good by the way." Hange complimented. "He looks a lot more like his older self just cuter!"
"I agree but I think he always looks cute..." Eren smiled.
"Oh?" Hange cooed.
"I mean..." Eren tensed up. "He isn't a bad looking man ya know he-"
"Eren." Hange chuckled. "Relax."
Eren giggled slowly and awkwardly.
Eren and Hange turned to Levi. Levi was on his knees holding his stomach.
"What's going on???" Eren questioned.
"I think it's working." Hange gasped.
Levi's body began to quiver and his head began spinning. The boy's breathing was uneven as he gasped for air at times.
"Hange what's going?!?!?" Eren panicked as he kneeled by Levi.
"It's part of the transformation." She explained. "Just relax."
A sharp pain shot throughout Levi's body causing him to cry in pain. Tears ran down from his gray eyes.
"Levi!" Eren placed a hand on the boys back and with his other hand he held the boy's fragile hand.
"Eren take a step back." Hange pulled him away. "This is lasting too long!"
"He's not turning into a titan is he?!?!?" Eren began to yell.
Levi fell to his side still in the big cardboard box. Levi was now covered in his saliva, tears and sweat.
"E- Eren.."
"Hange do something!!!" Eren cried. "He's in pain!!!"
"Hold on!" Hange looked around her lab and started mixing things together.
Levi's world was spinning around him as he gasped for air.
"Levi!" Eren walked over to him again. "Can you see me?!"
"Eren!" Hange yelled as she continued mixing things. "I said to stay away from him!" She was just as panicked as he was now. "This could go bad!"
"I refuse to accept that!" Eren yelled stubbornly.
Levi's pupils shrank in size and blood red veins began to appear in his sclera. Levi's grip on Eren's hand was abnormally strong. Eren's expression was beyond concerned.
"Hold on!" She yelled.
Levi's breathing was heavy now and he began grunting.
"Eren hold on!!!" Hange yelled angrily.
Levi's eyes rolled back and slowly stopped moving.
"Levi?!" Eren shook the boy. "Levi?!"
The boy didn't move and his chest barely rose and lowered. Eren placed his ear on the boy's chest and heard uneven heartbeats. Hange ran over to Levi and injected a clear substance on his neck.
"What's that?!"Eren was still panicked.
"It's an antidote but again it won't stop him from transforming." Hange sighs. "It's more so he doesn't feel pain."
Levi's body began shaking violently and his eyes shot open. Levi's eyes were almost white and steam came out from his eyes. Eren's face went from worried to scared
"Eren..." Hange pulled him back. "We need to leave now!"
"No!" Eren cried. "I can't let him turn into a-"
Suddenly, Erwin burst into the room and pulled Eren out by force. Hange exited the room with the two of them and left the building.
"Let me go!" Eren struggled in Erwin's arms.
"How'd you know we were-" Hange was cut off.
"I knew you'd do it without my presence." Erwin said as he tightened his grip on Eren. "I knew you'd ask Eren too."
"I can't let him turn!" Eren cried. "Let me go!"
"Eren!" Erwin let him go and slapped him out of hysteria.
Eren stopped and looked at Erwin with wide eyes.
"Get a hold of yourself!" The older man yelled. "It was the only choice we had!"
"Uhh guys..." Hange tried to interrupt as she heard grunting coming out of the window from her lab.
"It was to leave him as child for good and lose everything." Erwin continued. "Or we try and succeed and-"
"Levi could have still survived if he was a child!" Eren said with tears in his eyes. "I would take care of him!"
"GUYS!" Hange screamed getting the attention of the two males.
They both look at her.
"I hear something in the lab." She said. "And I don't see a titan."
Erwin and Eren looked around to see no titan and then heard a grunt come from the lab. Eren ran to the lab leaving the other two behind. He barged into the room to see the box flipped over. The big cardboard box moved slightly.
"Levi?..." Eren walked over to him and kneeled down. "Levi?..."
The box stopped moving. Eren was nervous but pushed himself to touch the box. He hesitantly lifted up revealing a slightly older Levi. His previously large shirt fit him perfectly now. However his shorts were a bit too short almost like boxers.
"Levi?" Eren was surprised and smiled.
The ebony hair boy looked at the brunette. Eren got closer to him about to embrace him.
"Levi, you're okay-"
Levi punched Eren in the face before he got any closer. He quickly pinned him to the ground.
"Ahh!" Eren winced in pain as Levi shoved his foot on his face while holding onto both of his arms.
"Oi..." Levi furrowed his thin black brows. "Who the hell are you?"
Hange and Erwin barged in to see Levi menacingly pinning down Eren similar to how he used to.
"Levi?!" Hange gasped happily.
Erwin was just as surprised but something was different.
"Levi's back!" Hange celebrated too soon. "I knew-"
"Hold on..." Erwin walked over to the expressionless male pinning down the other male.
Levi looked up at Erwin and let go of Eren and stood up. He was taller than his child form but not the same height as his adult one, which isn't too far away. Eren looked up at Levi and noticed he looked older but was still fairly young.
"Who are you people?" Levi asked with no emotion.
"Ah you don't remember me?" Erwin sighed.
"Should I?" Levi raised an eyebrow.
Erwin pushed his hair to cover his forehead and looked at the male again.
Levi frowned.

"Erwin Smith."

Hey sorry for the long wait. I've been super busy with online classes. It's so stressful and with everything going on... Anyway hope you liked it x3x

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