Chapter Five

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Kagome blinked as she stood in front of her Potions Professor, he had just given her the potions she needed for her throat.

"Thank you,"

Severus Snape nodded, as he took the vials back from her. His eyes lingering on the tie she now had around her neck.

He knew what Blaise Zabini had done, but he highly doubted that the slip of a girl in front of him knew what he did.

A smirk came to his lips at the thought, but he knew that the rest of the school was in an uproar on what had happened at lunch, and it was now after dinner.

The teachers had also been in a little fit about what happened, much to his enjoyment. He took great pleasure in seeing McGonagall's fur all ruffled and Flitwick hadn't seemed all that sure about what to do either.

"Now Miss Higurashi..." Snape started as he looked at her curious eyes, "Do you know what Zabini did when he took of your house tie off, do you understand the significance of him stepping on it?"

Kagome blinked, shaking her head no. She didn't understand what it meant.

Snape smirked, "In Slytherin terms, and the old terms of the belong to the Slytherins and are protected by them. If a time comes and you need help, they are to help you."

Blue eyes widened before they narrowed. Kagome Higurashi was mad, that was a given. She should have a choice on this. 'That damn Blaise Zabini!' Kagome scowled in her head. "What does 'belong to the Slytherins' exactly mean..." She asked, eyes still narrowed not liking the sound of this. She probably wasn't going to like the answer she was going to receive either.

A cool smirk made its way to the head of Slytherins face, he should have guessed she would have caught that. She was a clever one and lived up to the standard of being a Raven, "It means exactly that..." He paused, "And because Zabini is the one who did it, by default he is the one you belong to."

Kagome held her tongue, it would do no good if she yelled at the Slytherin head when she could go find the center of all her frustration.

"Thank you for telling me," She gave a small bow and continued talking, "I shall go now, I have to take care of now it seems."

Kagome gave the teacher a small smile and left, her mind thinking of ways she could hurt a certain Italian Slytherin.

She followed each twist and turn as she tried to recall where might Blaise Zabini be, deciding to try the library, she was on her way there when a small voice behind her called to her. Turning, she smiled a little at the boy standing with a camera in front of her, "You are...Colin's little brother, right?"

The boy nodded excitedly, "I'm Dennis! Colin studies with you, doesn't he?"

"Ah...sort of, he and I just happened to sit at the same table in the library a few times before, I ended up helping him a bit with his homework, it ended up becoming a habit if we saw one another. Why, what's up?"

Dennis shook his head, "Nothing, Colin was just worried when he heard about you and, I saw your..." he pointed nervously to her neck, "Injury."

She smiled, "Tell Colin I'm okay, now that I have a swarm of Snakes to look after me," she bit out the last part of the statement, particularly the part from snakes and after. "Thanks for your concern though." She turned and left the boy to watch her leave, making her way towards the library.

When she finally got there, she wasn't too shock to find that Blaise wasn't there, however, she was relatively pleased to see that Draco was present, which meant he would no doubt have some idea of where his partner in crime was.

"Draco?" Her voice was already soft from the poison, whispering even lower would do her no good, so she just talked normally, or, as normal as she could after having lost her voice to attempted murder.

The Platinum Blond Slytherin turned away from the book he was reading, his homework lay out in front of him, a couple tables away from him was Hermione Granger who seemed lost in her own work under a slightly towering pile of books. "Throat still hurt?" he asked as he placed his quill down, not paying attention to the brown eyes of the Gryffindor know-it-all that was staring curiously at his interaction with Kagome, the newly acquired pet Raven of the Slytherin House.

Kagome nodded, "Yeah, but just a little, Professor Snape gave me a couple potions to make a feel better and heal faster. Um..."

"What is it?"

"Have you seen Blaise? I need to talk to him."

Draco smirked, "You won't find him, he's taking care of some things, but if you stay here, he'll be joining me soon."

She looked curiously at him, but he just turned back to work, looking up only to catch eyes with Hermione who quickly looked back down at her papers in front of her. He scoffed and waved his wand.


Draco smirked, watching the pile of books give out with the tilt he'd added to it, and tumble onto the Golden girl herself.

Kagome sighed, sitting down across from Draco who returned to his school work with a rather satisfied look in his eyes. She grabbed a book to and began reading as she waited for Blaise.

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