Chapter 1

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It's a bright sunny day birds are chirping flying around I guess let's go and meet our main character I wonder if she is already awake let's see if she is

It's looks like she is still asleep in her bed Let's go and check what's in her mind right now

Kim Reina pov

I was walking through the park where I met a boy with blond hair he looks like his around my age for some reason i felt so drawn to him I was about to called him but "Yah Kim Reina wake up right now I been trying to wake you up for 5 minutes already you better wake up before i come up there and hit you with a frying pan and you are not going to be late for your first day of school" shouted mom from downstairs I'm so lazy to get up wait.... did she just say school on man Im gonna be late for my first day I need to get ready I quickly went into the bathroom and start my day

After 10 minutes I was finally done I grab all my important stuff that I needed for the first day I headed down to eat my breakfast before I head my way to school "you finally up lazy bum" said mum holding a flying pan please don't hit me "im not a lazy bum mum I'm just really nervous for school" said I feeling nervous "do you need me to send you to school"said mum putting the pan down thanks goodness I thought she was going to hit me with that "I can go by myself mum i'm a highschool student now" said I "I just thought you needed me to send you since its a new school and since it was so rush that you had to change school due to your father job" said mum pouting "mum you not a kid you know" said I laughing "where is dad anyway?" said I looking around "he was called early" said mum "oh just like always I guess... and look at the time I need to go mum see you later" said I getting up and hugging mum first before I headed to the door "Reina wait here is a lunch box for you" said mum handing me the lunch box "thanks mum" said I running out the house

I forget to say I would be attending Geumdong high the school wasn't that far from home so I would reach in around 5 Minutes it's just I miss my friend from my old school I was born at Korea but move to Singapore when I was five due to father job and now I'm back at my home country we father said we won't more around anymore which is a good thing

Father walk I found th school I went and enter the school gate "wow it's a beautiful school" said I a very tall and handsome boy passes beside me "hey could you help me"said I and the guy turn around "yeah sure what do need" said him giving a one billion smile he is really handsome my face feels warm "hi im a new student here I just got transfer could you show me the way to the general office" said I "yeah sure follow me I'll bring you there I'm Choi Bomin by the way" said him "oh hi nice to meet you Bomin I'm Kim Reina" said I " nice to meet you too follow me" said him walking and I follow him from the back to the general office

When we arrive at the front of the office he said thay he had to go as he was supposed to meet his friends before class I waved as he walk away I enter the General Office and I went to the lady at the desk "hello I'm the new student" said I "ah you must be Kim Reina I been waiting for you" said her "you were I'm sorry if I was late" said I bowing my heard she just give me a smile "no you are not later you are actually on Time ah Miss Park" said her "yes Miss yoon" said Miss park turning her head "meet Kim Reina the new student" said Miss Yoon "ah Nice to meet you Kim Reina I Miss Park your homeroom teacher I also teach english and art" said her "nice to meet you" said I bowing my head "let's go class is gonna start soon" said her I took my schedule and and followed her to class

We then enter the classroom every student get up from their seat to greet Miss Park "Morning Miss Park" said them in unison "Morning class we have a new student today" said Miss Park "she's kinda cute" said someone which I'm not sure who it was "how about you introduce yourself to the class" said Miss Park and gesturing me to move to the front of the class "annyeong I'm Kim Reina I hope we can be friends and nice to meet all of you" said I bowing my head "that's a nice introduction you may take a seat at the empty seat beside Jung Dabin" said her she raise her hand i walk to the empty seat

The girl who appears to be Dabin turn to me "hi there im jung Dabin nice to meet you Kim Reina" said Dabin "hi im kim Reina nice to meet you too Jung Dabin" I said smiling at her I look around the class and the students in the class then i my eyes was stuck on one guy with blond hair and was wearing glasses he looks like the guy in my dream that couldn't be haha dream are nothing but i think it is him he then turn and our eyes meet I looks away to not make it feel awkward shit he totally saw I was looking at him when I turn back to see if he was still looking at me anymore and he isn't that was close

"Reina since its your first day you and since you haven't received your text book Dabin could you share your book with her" said Miss Park writing something on the wall "yes Miss park here Reina"said Dabin placing her book in the middle of us "thanks Dabin" said I smiling I took out a note book and my glasses out from the box and wore them I usually use glasses when I'm writing I started to write the notes that was written on the board on my notebook

3rd pov

What Reina doesn't know was that someone was looking at her Seungmin 'she's cute with the glasses why do I feel like I know her from somewhere' Seungnin thought to himself Donghyun then taps him shoulder he look at him asking what he wanted he wrote something on a paper that reads 'Seungmin what are you looking at' Seungmin just said its nothing and went back to write on him book

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