𝓮𝓵𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓷 💗

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Jisung POV

I woke up with a headache in a unfamiliar room.

That's was Minho,

"Your awake!", he say hugging me tightly.

"Minho hyung why was I in the hospital right now, where's the other ?"
"Aigoo , you don't remember baby you got locked on the janitor closet."

"Um now I remember that time is when I'm about to go to the cafeteria and then someone pulled my hand."

"Then what!"
"A cloth cover my face and everything went black."

"Are they a she or a he?"
"I don't know hyung I don't remember."

The nurse walked in,

"Great your awake let me call the doctor."

The doctor start to check on Jisung,

"Your ready to go home."
The doctor said to Jisung

"You heard that baby your ready to go home."
"Yes hyung let's go to your place after this."

"Sure thing Jisung."
Minho said as he caressed Jisung cheeks.

The doctor and nurse do their job on Jisung as they take of the tube and others things.

Minho and jisung check out of the hospital,
"Let's go baby."
Minho take Jisung hand.

They both got in Minho cars and drove off.

Felix POV

Right now me and changbin are in his car driving to his mom house apparently his mom want to see me.

You probably wondering where's seungmin well on the way back home we bumped into hyunjin and seungmin decided to go with hyunjin cause he doesn't want to interrupt me and changbin.

Then my phone started to rang,
On the caller name it say

"Lix Jisung just woke up and we are checking out of the hospital."

"Okay hyung I'm finally relieved that I know Jisung is okay, anyway hyung say hi to him for me."
"Sure thing baby bro bye!"

"Bye too hyung."

"Who was that princess?"
Binnie asked,

"Oh hyung it's Minho hyung."
"It's Jisung awake yet?"

"Thankfully he is ."
I say with a smile

"Your so beautiful princess , I'm so lucky to have you as mine."
He said as he take his hand putting it in my neck admiring my face.

He lean in and kissed me softly,
Of course I kiss back.

"That's enough binnie, focus on the road ok. We don't want to get accident right?"
"Yes my princess."

I giggled.

We drove around for like 15 minute before reaching changbin's mom house.

"We're here lixie."

He walked out and I followed after that.

He calmly take my hand cause I was nervous like real bad.

What if his mom didn't like me ,what if she think that I'm not good enough.

"Princess stop worrying everything gonna be alright."
"B-but binnie what if your mom didn't like me or she think I'm ugly or something."

"Relax baby breathe in and out."
I do as he told me to,

"Okay binnie let's go in."
I dragged him by his hand until we reach the front porch.

Changbin knocked on the door , then his mom opened the door.

She's beautiful no wonder changbin is so handsome.

"Aigoo changbinnie is this Felix."
"Yes it's me nice to meet you Aunty."

"No need to call me Aunty just call me mom."
"Okie mom!"

"Omg changbin you got yourself a real cutie I like him gosh he's adorable."
She said as she squished my cheeks while dragging me in.

"Mom I know he is but he's still mine and only Mine."
He smiled while putting an arm around my waist.

Apparently that day changbin stepdad whom is our school principal.

Wtf since when what?!

We all had dinner talking about family stuff,I was having so much fun honestly it was great.

"Mom can me and Felix sleep over tonight?"
"Sure things honey but you know don't make too loud noises your stepdad is coming home tonight."

I blushed,
"Mom! We're not doing that."
"It's not my fault your a horny ass child changbin."

"Okay-okay imma go bye goodnight kids."

"Good night mom."
I said.

We go in changbin's old room , it was simple just like I imagined it would be.

"Bin your room is simple but yet attractive, just like you."
I just realised what I just fuckin said

"U-um n-no it's n-not l-like I'm so w-whipped hahaha."

"God your so cute lixie, remember you're my boyfriend."
"Oh yeah."
I said as I smacked my head.

"Don't smack yourself baby."
"But I though if I do that I will grow smarter."

"Oml baby are you five or something?"
"I-I you bitch do not insult me."

"Your cute and dumb at the same time hahaha."
"Yeah-yeah if you don't make your mouth shut no kisses for a weeks."

"But lix."
"No kisses!"

Then changbin started to go closer to my face,

"W-what are you d-doing?"
"As I thought you couldn't resist me babyboy."

"Aha! That's your thought it cannot b-mphhh."
He kissed me

"Hahaha what's lixie."
"I hate you."

"Sure you thought baby."
He kissed me again as I became a flustered mess.

"Alright baby let's go sleep now."
"Okay hyung good night."

"sleep well babyboy."
he said the last time before falling asleep while few minute later i fell asleep too.


hey guys i finally updated again yes,
Thank me later cause In this episode there's no some hoes running around.

Lmao I want to Roblox after this um 😐 it's weird I know but I'm a 13 gurl so like idc.

Well that's all but probably I'm gonna updated again today so wait for me y'all.

Bye and have good day
I love you all 🥰


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