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Lena had left you a pair of warm pajamas. They had been the softest thing you've worn in so long that you almost cried at the sensation of it. Except you were pulled out of your thoughts as Lena knocked on the door again. 

"Hey, I don't know if you're almost done in there but I've had a long day. I'm exhausted so I'll be going to bed. I didn't have a chance to prepare the guest room for you so we'll be sharing the bed. Try not to take too long, we have an early day tomorrow. Goodnight, (fake name)."

You don't giver her an answer, simply just staying quiet. 

"(fake name)?"

"Yes, Ms. Luthor?"

Lena sighs at the name but doesn't say anything. It would have to be dealt with at another time. 

"Did you hear me?"

"I did, Ms. Luthor."

"Okay, I'll leave you to it then."

There's the sound of retreating footsteps and then silence. You don't end up coming out until almost an hour later. You walked over to her bed, finding it hard to believe you would be sleeping beside her. The thought of it, felt so wrong. The men and women at the facility treated you like dirt, making you see that you weren't equals as humans. Surely, Lena knew that it wasn't appropriate to be sharing a bed with aliens. This had to be a trick. So rather than staying besides her, you looked around the room, finding a chair that seemed like a better place to sleep on than the floor. You didn't want to sleep in such an uncomfortable place but you had no choice. It was either that or getting punished. Without overthinking it, you took a seat on the chair and closed your eyes, eventually drifting off. 


Lena is woken up by her alarm. She quickly shuts it off, not wanting to scare you. Turning around to shake you awake, she finds the other side of the bed untouched. Frowning, she sat up and looked around the room, only to find you standing in the middle of the room with your arms behind your back while looking at down. 

"(fake name)? What are you doing? How long have you been awake."

"I've been awake for almost an hour, Ms. Luthor. I wasn't sure what to do so I assumed this is how you wanted me to wait for you."

Lena stands up to make her way over to you. 

"Stop. Stop doing that. You're safe here."

She tried to get you out of your posture but found herself unable to. Lena really didn't have time in the morning to make you understand that you were safe as she was going to be late for work.  

"Just go wash up. I'll leave some clothes out for you."

You nod and head to the bathroom to wash your face and teeth. In the meantime, Lena headed to her closet to pull out an outfit for you and her. 

"Get dressed and sit on the chair while I finish getting ready."

Lena figured that the only way you were going to relax is if you were explicitly told. She didn't bother to wait for you to get dressed as she headed inside to shower. Half an hour later, Lena came out dressed. She was happy to find that you were sitting. It was something.

"Lets go get breakfast so I can explain to you what's going on."

She motioned for you to follow her. All of the sudden, she stops you before turning the corner to what you assumed was the kitchen. 

"On second thought, lets eat on the way."

Lena did not want to have breakfast with Lex and she figured neither would you. She took you to her car and drove the two of you to the nearest breakfast drive-thru. 

"What do you want?"

"I do not understand, Ms. Luthor."

"For breakfast, (fake name). What do you want to eat."

You frowned, not quite understanding why she was giving you a choice. 

"It's up to you, Ms. Luthor."

Lena was about to say something but was interrupted by the cars honking behind her. 

"Hurry up, lady!!"

"Shut up and get back in your car!!!"

Lena yells back to him. She sighs and orders for the two of you to not waste any more time. Food is tossed into your lap and all you do was hold it as she drove to what you assumed was work. 

Once you arrived, Lena helped you out of the car and into her office. Knowing that you had to look down to the floor per the rules. Inside, she makes you look up but yet you're still unable to meet her eyes. 

"Okay, that's a start. While we eat breakfast. I just want to run some things by you. I'm in charge of creating prototypes for new medical equipment. So I would occasionally ask you questions when I have a hard time with something. Other than that, there's really not a lot for you to do. I just didn't want to leave you home with my brother. Do you have any questions?"

"No, Ms. Luthor."

Lena frowns when she sees that you haven't touched your breakfast.

"Do you not like eggs?"

"I do not know, Ms. Luthor. I've never seen them before."

"You've never seen them before? What did they feed you at the facility?"

"I do not know, Ms. Luthor. It was some type of mashed food."

Lena clenches her jaw in anger. Not at you but at the facility and everyone else involved, including her brother. Sometimes, she thought that humans were the evil ones. 

"Eat. It's good and if you don't like it then I can order something else for you."

You hesitate before unwrapping the food. You take a bite, practically moaning at the taste. It had been so long since you had a proper meal. All you ever knew on Earth was this strange combination of foods. It was absolutely disgusting. Just the thought of it, made you shiver.

"Did you like it?"

"I liked it, Ms. Luthor. Thank you."

Lena gives you a smile as she watches you eat. She couldn't wait to see how you would react to pancakes but that was going to have to wait. 

The Alien Auction - Lena Luthor/Reader(FxF)Where stories live. Discover now