Chapter Thirty-Four

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"I was there when he died! He didn't tell you do to anything!" My whole body hurt. They- maybe about six guys- all kept saying how Niall told them to do this and that.

"Oh, this was a long time coming. We've known about this for months."

I shook my head and let it fall forward. I still had my phone on me, so all I could hope for was Louis to show up. It's the only thing I really was hoping on.

I bit my lip and took a deep breath while closing my eyes. I could hear them behind me moving around, but I didn't want to know what they were doing.

"How many?" One of them asked when I finally tuned into what they were saying.

"At least seven. Arms, legs, chest, back forehead." Seven what? Where was Louis? "Back, arms, legs, chest then forehead," the same person relisted. Why did he change the order?

Just a few seconds later there was a blistering pain on my upper back that made me scream. I tried to pull away, but they kept it pressed to my back, plus I was tied to the chair. "Stop! Fucking-" I tried to take deep breaths, but I couldn't. The pain was too intense to be able to.

"One down," another one said. I shook my head. Seven of those? No, please, no. I didn't think I could handle seven of those.

I heard a loud bang from upstairs, followed by multiple sets of footsteps. I was facing the door, so when Louis was the first face I saw, I started crying tears of relief instead of pain. "Louis," I whispered, wishing I could just run over to him

Louis and the mix of people he had with him all had guns, and there were a lot more of them than the other guys working for Niall. After scanning the room for a second, Louis put his gun away and came over to me and untied me. He pulled me up and to him, leading me up the stairs.

"What did they do to my back?" I asked in an uneven voice. "I don't know what they did but it hurt and-"

Louis turned me around when we were outside. "They didn't-" Louis lightly put his fingers under it, making me wince. He pulled them back quickly and when I looked at him he was shaking his head. "Come on."


Louis kissed me to shut me up. "Let's get you home." I nodded slowly and took a deep breath. Louis pulled me to his car and had me sit down. I couldn't sit back against the seat, and Louis frowned as he looked at me. "I'm so sorry. I'm never leaving you alone again."

Louis went to the closest hotel and paid for a room, then gave me a shirt to wear before taking me to the room. He had me sit down on the bed, then he carefully took the shirt back off. "I hate him so much."

"It's going to be okay. If I have to, I will kill anyone who even thinks about hurting you. You don't deserve this. You don't, okay?" He wiped some of the tears from my eyes and I took a deep breath. "I love you."

I couldn't really form words, so I nodded and pressed my face into his neck. I sniffled and tried to calm down, but before I knew it, I was asleep on top of Louis.

When I woke up, Louis was gently touching my back. "What do you think about tattoos?" He asked once I moved my head.

"I've thought about them, why?" I asked. I didn't move much, though. He was right around the tender area and I didn't want him to accidently press there.

"I don't wanna tell you," Louis mumbled under his breath, not meant for me to hear. "They... They branded his name on your back. But we're going to take care of it, make sure it heals, then we can get something to cover it up."

"They were gonna..." I pressed my face back into the bed and let out a long sigh. Thank God Louis came when he did. "There were gonna do that seven times."

"They didn't, and we'll get this fixed, even if it's not a tattoo, okay? I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry, baby." I nodded and Louis kissed the back of my head.

Louis got off my back and I slowly sat up. My back hurt with every movement, but I tired not to let Louis know that. He felt bad enough about it as it was. It wasn't even completely his fault.

Louis moved in front of me and kissed my lips. He held my face and I couldn't stop the tears that had been building up. Louis kept kissing my face and whispering how much he loved me.

After an hour, Louis and I checked out of the hotel and we're back on the road to his house. I didn't realize how far they had taken me until now. Louis was quiet most of the way, so I decided not to talk. I couldn't tell if it was worrying him or not. I just didn't want to annoy him.

We got to Louis' house after an hour and a half, then we got out. Louis wrapped his arms around my waist when we were inside, keeping me close. "I'll try to figure out how to make this easier on you."

"Okay," I whispered. I had to remind myself not to move my back too much or risk pulling the burned muscles. Louis had me lay down on my stomach and I buried my face in the bed. "This hurts so much."

"I know," Louis whispered. I took a deep breath of the bed, missing everything about the house. "Harry?"

I turned my head to look at him. "Yeah, baby?"

"Will you move in with me? Like completely?" He seemed nervous. We had been dating for less than a year, but it was close. Close to a year already... Damn. "I just... I feel better when you're here and I know you're safe."

I nodded slowly after Cece jumped up on the bed and walked slowly to my side. "Yeah, I want to move in."

I pet our puppy slowly until she settled down next to me. Cece wouldn't take her eyes off of me for long, though. Louis kissed the side of my head and then got up and walked to another room while typing on his phone. I let my eyes close and eventually fell into a much needed sleep.

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