Morning Disasters 《Chapter 3》

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Maddy frowned as she pulled on her old jacket and made her way to the kitchen, hoping not to bump into her mom. She snuck in and grabbed a piece of bread from the bottom of the bread bin and tossed to the toaster before clicking it down for a couple of minutes before hearing it ping and smelling the delicious scent of crumbling toast. She took it out and lay a plate with a golden rim down before transferring the toast onto the plate. She then began to rummage through the cupboard before finding the perfect topping for her breakfast. Peanut Butter! She smiled, satisfied with her choice before taking a knife out of the drawer and layering it over the toast. 

Just as Maddy lifted the toast to her lips she felt a small object bump into her from behind. Her younger brother had appeared. 

“Maddy Maddy Maddy!” her little brother chorused her name as she sighed in frustration before placing the piece of toast back down on the plate and turning round to meet the little monster that was her brother Scott. 

“What is it Scott?” Maddy chided her brother lightly as she looked down at her shirt before seeing the dull brown colour of peanut butter on her shirt. Her mom was going to kill her! She turned back round to the sink and retrieved a wet cloth and squeezed some soap onto it before scrubbing away at the ugly stain. 

"Sorry Maddy." Scott shifted his feet around sheepishly as he had seen what he had done. He watched her quietly as she tried to get the stain off as best as she could before laying down the cloth and letting out a deep sigh.

"Its okay, it's just mom is trying to force me into this job this morning and I don't wanna go cause it's summer holidays." She complained to Scott before grabbing a glass and filling it with water. Scott's eyes lit up at the mention of the summer holidays.

"I'm going to the park today with my friends, then we are going to go get pizza!" Scott chirped before reaching for her piece of toast and taking a large bite out of it.

"Hey!" Maddy yelled at Scott as he scrambled away giggling, "that's my breakfast!" She grumbled as she finished the rest of her toast and put her plate next to the sink before heading to the door. She pulled on her sneakers and unlocked the door, stepping outside and basking in the sun's rays. She shut the door behind her and walked out onto the path that lead down to the beach.

As she walked down the small path it was almost like the flowers blossomed as she walked and set out a beautiful road of white and yellow delicate flowers. She smiled softly, the sweet smell of the pollen lifts her spirits as she overlooks the water through the trees. The crisp smell of bark was fresh in the morning as she stopped to admire the view. The sun was glimpsing through, slightly lighting the unmade track she walked on that was decorated with green plants shooting into the sky, trying to reach for the glimmering sun. The moss caked the trees, giving a picturesque setting to the stunning morning. She exhaled calmly and continued on her brisk walk towards the beach.

She listened quietly to the chatter of the birds and their unique songs as they rang loudly through the air. She followed them down the path and heard the crashing of waves in the distance, she sighed as she thought of spending the summer with her friends, even though she would know that wouldn't happen this year. No pool parties, no late night BBQs. Only working in a fish and chip shop.

Maddy got to the end of the track and admired the open view of the sea and the sun that rose above the water. She walked along the pavement and passed a few people with dogs and couples holding hands as they stroll lovingly by the beach. She smiled slightly before passing the couples and making her way to the glowing sign of the fish and chip shop in the bright daylight. She put on a neutral face as she approached the tiny mobile shop and saw a older woman standing at the counter, giving a group of small kids a big bag of chips.

"Hello, is this seaside fish and chips?" Maddy asked the woman as she walked up after the younger kids had left.

"Why yes my dear, this is seaside fish and chips, how may I help you?" The woman smiled kindly at her. Maddy smiled back even though she was not looking forward to this new job.

"My mom sent me here on a small job she got for me." She answered plainly before grimacing at the mobile shop that seemed to thrive on grease.

"Ah yes! You must be Carol Waters daughter!" The woman exclaimed loudly as she walked to the door of the shop and pushed it open, walking out to talk properly with Maddy. "She has set you up for the whole summer it seems, that's a big sacrifice of time with your friends I guess!" The woman grinned at her as Maddy shifted her feet nervously on the sandy ground.

"Yeah, it is ." Maddy agreed with the woman, not meeting her eyes for the woman to see the disinterest and boredom that she felt. She just wanted to get this over with so she could go home and try and salvage the little parts of plans she still had with her friends before her mother could ruin anymore of her summer.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2020 ⏰

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