The Nightmare Maker Pt 1 Prologue

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Chapter One: Group Zero

Today is my graduation day and I am finally getting out of this school. I wouldn't say I am proud of that fact though because I am one of the few which enjoyed school.

The reason why I liked it is because I get bored very easily and I get more entertainment there. I don't really think that it is normal to miss such a institution but I think it was fun while it lasted.

"Please come to the front when your group is called" I heard the headmaster say which was continued by the sound of foot steps walking to the front of the assembly room. "Group Zero" which was said last as me and my friends walked up to the front.

Just to clarify the classes were divided into groups of ten. The reason for this is because there are exactly one hundred people at this school. meaning that they can't make classes so they called it groups instead.

We walked down the stairs of the assembly room and stood at the front. The headmaster then gave us all a reward for something which was predictable.

"Be honoured to be moved up to the next step of your life, and be positive that you shall be successful in life." I heard my friend mumble "Like she can talk" as he was basically told to shut up by the headmaster.

We then went were told to go back to our seats and then soon graduation was over. We skipped the prom because we agreed that it was for losers. Soon I left my school and went home and then I went bed in silence.

I woke up early but someone was in my room. I could not move or speak or even open my eyes all I could was listen, but I couldn't make out what they were saying because my hearing was slanted.

I felt a injection on my body then I soon fell back to sleep. I soon found myself in a casino looking place. I looked around and I found that I was the only one there. I started panicking so I checked the door in-front of me and I see a arrow pointing to the door on my left.

I go to open that door and I see my friends sitting in around a circled table. "Jack is that you?" Esther said confused and it was clear that something was wrong. "yeah it is me, um where are we?" I asked her which she replied with shrugging her shoulders.

I then take a seat next to her and then Poe asked what the last thing I remember was. I replied with "well I woke up early but I couldn't move my body, I couldn't even open my eyes for that manor but I heard someones voice but I couldn't make out what he was saying."

I then hear Lucy say "We didn't wake up early so all we can remember is going sleep." which confirms that we have been kidnapped by someone, but why would someone kidnap us out of all people.

I don't think I have done anything, I don't think anyone else had done anything either so why us.

We soon see the table go bright and then show a microphone symbol, Then Poe said "what is happening" as we heard static noise around the room which makes us realise the speakers around the room.

We soon hear a voice from those speakers in a very preoccupied and cheery tone, it said "hello and welcome" we go silent to the very rushed voice being made. the male voice continues talking saying "You have all been elected to the game of your very nightmare" he said as if he was some child who is role playing as a villain." I heard Poe say "What game."

He then Elaborated with "Well I am sorry but your not allowed to know. The fact is that you are being played in a game of death which will make you doubt your trust amongst others, and your sanity amongst yourselves. Have fun because there are no rules."

He then finished and then the table went back to normal and then we saw gas radiating from the speakers, we then quickly covered our mouths but that didn't help because we all wen't to sleep.

All I can think of is what type of game are we being put in.

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