The Nightmare Maker Pt 1 Chapter 2

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Chapter Two: The Play House

Poe was shaking & laughing on the floor as I stand back from him slowly because we can't get information out of him like this.

We go to the other the room and see that Stephen has finished his alone time so we take him back to Poe but when we walked back into the room we saw him looking at the doll singing the alphabet with it.

I heard them say "O" and I ran up to it and smashed it with the hammer over, and over again until I was sure that it was dead because if it said P Poe would have died.

Stephen just stood there shook but he now knows the situation he is in. We are trapped in a dollhouse that can kill each and every one of us.

Poe then said "What did you do that for, you murderer... You killed little Sally... You bastard!" he goes in his pocket and grabs a pocket knife which he probably got from the kitchen and attempts to stab me.

He failed miserable since he lacked the brain power to draw even the slightest bit of accuracy so I grabbed his hand and took the knife of him. I sat then said directly at him "How did your dream end" even though I was pissed off at him for trying to murder me.

He looked at me and said "I killed all the dolls, every single on of them. It was the happiest ending I could imagine, but then I saw the house fall and crumble into little pieces, even though the dolls were broken, I could hear them laughing at my failure."

I then looked at Stephen and asked if he could keep Poe company and then I asked Esther if she could find the others, which they both agreed to however meanwhile I am gonna kill every last doll in this house of death.

I opened the door out the room but I saw like seven dolls standing outside of it, and then shut the door quickly. I could hear them sing London Bridge on the other side of the door. Esther and Stephen started pushing the table towards the door.

I moved and then they pushed the table on the door using it as a barricade, While the dolls said "London Bridge is broken down, broken down, London Bridge is broken now, now die pitifully." instead of the normal lyrics. Does Poe's mental state effect the Dolls or am I just insane.

Then Poe is going more and more insane and it is degrading actually. I always thought Poe as the leader in group zero, he always went straight to the point but looking at him now, I can't help but to wonder if he hid all this. What is actually scaring him, the dolls or the singing because why are they singing in the first place.

I then feel look behind me to see Esther and Stephan on the ground and Poe standing in front of me laughing with a cloth in his hand, "Oh shit!" leapt through my lungs as I realise that it was chlorophyll.... I try holding my breath but I fail and I fall sleep.

As I was asleep however I started dreaming a dream which wasn't a nightmare but it was just group zero laughing back at school again, I have to wonder did Poe actually have fun or was that a act. I always looked up to him as a person and I can't help but to wonder. Was that all fake because today it seems like he wants all of us dead.

I soon wake up from that dream to see me strapped to a wooden chair with seven dolls surrounding me, as I look to my left I see Esther and Stephen awake which relieves me that they are alive but they have a gag on which made me realise I was too.

One of the dolls then said "A" and then my eyes widened and looked at Esther, she is E and that is pretty early. NO!

I screaming through the gag biting it trying to rip it off and then I saw Poe behind them smiling at what was happening. "B" the doll next to the other said as the tension built up... I then try Pulling the knife out of my pocket but my hand can barely reach.

I finally got the knife but I am struggling to turn it around, "C" the doll said as I go over pressure but I finally turned the knife around.

"D" The doll said while I am moving my arm as fast as possible and it finally cut. "E is for..." I ran up the the doll and stab it in the head and then all of them ran up to me. I quickly cut Esther's restraints off and then I did Stephens.

We ran to the door but their are more dolls there, so we ran to the corner of the room. They then went back to "A" but I can't think wait, If the person who is dreaming dies. The dream has too end doesn't it. That is probably why the dolls haven't gotten to Poe.

I then say "I am sorry" then Esther looked at me and shouted "Jack what are you doing!" but before I could answer I stabbed the middle doll then pushed dolls next to it out the way. I then ran up to Poe and then stabbed him in the heart.

As I stabbed him I said "I am so sorry my dearest friend" as he screamed "I can't die because I am already dead!" while laughing but I didn't let that get to me, so I pushed the knife more into him and I am not going to lie, it was hard to watch him scream.

Finally he died and the dolls just fell to the ground and then his skin went purple like Bill's did while my hands were covered in blood. I can't believe I just killed him.

The voice came back and said "Well done! You have completed Poe's game with only two deaths. You shall be sent back now." then the voice faded away slowly, We then went to sleep and when I woke up I found myself covered in wires.

I take all of them off and see everyone else in the cloths they were in when they were in the hotel. Wait, Bill and Poe are alive... Oh shit this is awkward.

Poe sees me and then said "You little bitch" and ran up to me and then he was restrained by something, I don't know what though but he just froze. He then just chokes like Bill did and then I hear Bill choking too.

Then a moment passes and then they are both dead. and the people who were unaware of his death cried.

Wait actually Alice isn't... I asked Alice if she was aware of Bill's death and she said "I saw him in a room laid out which told me he was killed.

I am glad I put his body in a room because now he can rest in piece rather than around a corridor of a dolls house.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2020 ⏰

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