Y/N VS Patchouli

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Patchy: I'll ask again. Why are you here?

Patchouli Knowledge

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Patchouli Knowledge. The resident Magician/Witch (your preference) of the Mansion. Her Magical power is no joke, I believe she is on par with Remilia in that category if not superior. However she is not physically strong. Due to her many years of being reclusive and isolated she seemed to develop cases of Anemia and Asthma. Which is really bad since most of her spells require constant speaking. Koakuma bowed her head and flew off with her wings.

(Y/N): *sighs* The truth?

Patchy: Preferably

(Y/N): I'm here to stop that mist. It's going hurt a lot of people.

Patchy: I see. Normally I wouldn't care about trivial matters like that, however the owner of the mansion is my friend, and you bested my assistant so I'm going to have to stop you. Prepare yourself.

Crap. She began reading her magic.

(Play the theme up top)

Patchouli Knowledge

Level 34

Health: 150/150
Stamina: 100/100
Magicka: 1000/1000

In terms of Magic I'm horrible outclassed. If I can only reach her. I unsheathed my Psi-blade and lunged for her only for her to fly back to her desk. There she began her barrage of magical attacks. I remember she's an elemental specialist. And everyone of those will hurt me. I'll need to avoid and evade while trying to get close to her. Maybe I can make her submit. I saw five crystals appear around her.

Power from all five began to fire at me

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Power from all five began to fire at me. I charged at her. As they came close I dodged both sides as I did everything I could to avoid the shots but that didn't stop them from hitting me. The wood element hit me hard knocking me back.

Health: 200/250

(Y/N): Ok that one hurt. I need to re think this but how.

I wasn't paying attention only to have fire headed right for me. I instinctively held out my hand. However nothing hit me. I looked to see the fire was in my hands.

New ability discovered. Fire Bending.
Fire Bending - 1/100 Novice.

Ok that's awesome! I can not only discover new ability's instead of awaiting to be given it, now I'm a fire bender! I munched to fire right back at patchouli. She was stunned to say the least but she easily blocked it. I renewed my assault. She continued to launch her attacks at me. I caught the fire and sent them back at her. I used the fire to protect me from the rest of her magic but being a novice and she magic is much stronger she overwhelmed me causing some severe damage.

Health: 127/250

(Y/N): I need to get faster and smarter!

I begin using my shadow step to avoid her attacks as I do he sends a barrage that I had nowhere to dodge so I quickly equip my nanosuit

Suit: Maximum Armor

I am able to tank her attack as I keep going. The suit won't completely negate damage. I can only take so much before I'm down for the count.

Health: 69/250

This is it! I jumped and lunges at her. Here she focused her light and dark magic attacks at me in a powerful blast. After she finished I was nowhere to be seen. She assumed I was vaporized and let her guard down. Fortunately for me I used shadow step one last time to get behind her. I then held my psi-blade at her throat.

(Y/N): Yield!

She released her magic indicating she was done. I breathed a sigh of relief. However then she looked like she was having a panic-attack? Wait not she's asthmatic! Crap it's an Asthma-attack! I quickly take a hold of her in my arms. I need something to help loosen the muscles in her lungs and throat.

System: Ability Gained. Healing touch. Place you hand where healing in needed and focus on what needs to be healed

Oddly convenient, but I'm not complaining. So I put my hand on her chest. [Not her boobs your perverts ;) ] and focused with "healing hands". After a few seconds her breathing began to return to normal. She looked up at me with an unchanging, stoic, expression though it looked like her eyes were shining and her cheeks were dusted with a light shade of pink.

Patchy: T-thank you.

(Y/N): You're welcome.

I gave her a soft smile which only made her cheeks turn pinker.

Patchy: Y-you can help me up now.

(Y/N): O-oh right yeah.

I helper her up.

Patchy: You may very well be able beat her. Just be careful. She is more dangerous than I am.

(Y/N): I know what I'm doing (lier) I can handle this.

She nodded.

Patchy: Well if you survive my library is always open to you. And-and if you want I can teach you a few things about magic.

(Y/N): Yes please!

I grabbed her hands and held them excitedly. Not only getting free access to a library but an amazing teacher like her. Though I didn't notice the continuous blush on her face.

Patchy: W-well you best get going then.

I took of leaving patchy in her library.

Koakuma returned next to her master smirking having watched everything. Which didn't go unnoticed by Patchy.

Patchy: Not. A. Word.

Koakuma: Whatever you say master~

Patchy grumbled and blushed.

Patchy: You have a library to clean.

She turned and left leaving this mess.

Koakuma: Aw man!

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Koakuma: Aw man!

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