Chapter 1

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"Ambs!" My sister whispered while poking my cheeks. "Ambs!"she whined again one more time. "Omg girl what do you want!" I yelled while sitting up in bed. "Happy birthday hunni bunni!"she squeaked while slobbing kisses all over my face. "Omg ewwwww no mini stop that's so nasty stop slobbing on my face" I cried. She laughed "ah hush up crybaby you know it's your 16th birthday today!" Moni said. "And you should enjoy it". I smiled "thanks moni and I was enjoying it but you mess it up by putting slob all over my face" I said. She rolled her eyes "whatever turd" moni said while getting up. "Now" she said. while snatching my covers off me, "get the fuck up it's time for you to go to school" moni said. "Omg no its my birthday I don't want to" I whined. "I don't care mum and dad said so now get up" moni said. I sucked my teeth, "ok damn I'm coming" I said while getting up out of bed. "You got 20 mins to get ready so hurry up!" Moni yelled while leaving my room running down stairs. I sighed I went to my mirror and took a good look at myself. Dang I need to go to the spa to get rid of these dark circles under my eyes I thought to myself. I shook my head and I headed to take a shower, I took ten minutes in there. ( hey don't judge me I would have took a longer time but my family was rushing me so..... whatever). I hurried and put on some tight fitting jeans with my favorite one direction shirt and my ugg boots. I walked down stairs "happy birthday ambs" my dad said while planting a kiss on my face. "Hi daddy" I said "and thanks, where's mom?" I asked. "Oh she's already left for work" dad said. "Oh ok" I nodded. "Ok girls I'm off to work" dad says while kissing our foreheads. "Have a great day /birthday amber"dad said. I smiled "thank you daddy and you have a good day too"I said. And he left in his black BMW. "Alright I'm off to school moni I'll see you later" I said while heading out the door. "Alright turd have a good day!"she yelled behind me. I flicked her the middle finger. She laughed, I went over to my red convertible BMW. Ha! Yes bitches I had money and yes I thought I was all that in a bag of chips. What can I say my parents have money, so while I was doing the speed limit to pick up Peyton. (I'm lying I'm speeding I almost ended up in a car accident like about 10 times!). Lmao anyways while I was driving I blasted my music up loud. I seen a sheriff behind me, ohh shit I thought. The sirens went off, so I pulled over and he followed me. He got out of his car and walked over to my car. A lot of thoughts was running through my mind. He knocked on my window his knuckles was ashy and hard I was scared to roll the window down, I let it down. "Ma'am did you know you passing the speed limit?"the officer said. I gulped "uhhhh no sir I didn't notice" I lied. "Oh well can I see your license and regesration please?" The officer asked. " uhhh uhhh ye ....yes" I said shakily. I went into my glove department and gave him my information. He took it a pad and started writing down something. "Here you go ma'am" the officer said. It was a 250$ ticket "what the.....hey why I have a ticket?"I asked. " hunny bun , you was speeding and your music was way too loud so that is why you have a ticket" he said. "But look officer please understand you can't give new a ticket" I said. "And why Is that?" He asked. I hurried and thought of a lie "uhh because it's my birthday ..... and my grandmother is in the hospital that is why I'm rushing to see her" I lied while trying to put on a sad face. The officer stood and thought for a moment "aww ok I'm so sorry I'm going to let you off the hook, I was the same like you in my teen days love speeding and I loved my grandmother" the officer said. "Aww thank you sir" I said happily glad the lie worked. I swore we spent almost 5 hours talking about his teenage life. "Ugh sir I dont want to be rude or anything but I have to go see my grandmother now" I said. "Oh not at all go ahead and I'll pray for you and your grandmother" the officer said. "Thanks" I said and I drove the fuck off I know I probably left dirt on his clothes. I hurried and called Peyton. "Hey I'm coming hold on, I just got pulled over for speeding" I said. "Girl, I'm already at school you better hurry up before school ends you almost missed the whole day!" Peyton yelled through the phone. "Omg this officer spent a whole two years telling me about his teen days and I lied to him trying nit to get a 250$ ticket" I said. Peyton was laughing through the phone "girl just hurry up and come" Peyton said. "Alright I'm comming" I said and hung up. I speeded once again and finally made to school. I got out of my car and went inside and went to my locker to get my books out. While I was busy doing that "Amber!" I heard a familiar voice yelled my name. "Peyton" I whispered under my breath. She raned up to me "happy birthday!" Peyton screamed while giving me a hug and jumping up and down. I swear if this girl don't calm down she is going to have a heart attack. "Pey girl calm down it's not that serious" I said. "Omg yes it is I can't wait for the party tonight!" Peyton yelled. I smiled "hell yea I love throwing big parties and everyone love them" I said. "Did you brought the dress that you seen forever 21?" Peyton asked. "Uh hell yea, that dress was so bomb" I said. "And dont forget to wear you tiara princess"Peyton said. "Oh girl you know im not going to forget that" I said. Me and Peyton started walking down to the cafeteria. When we walked in everyone went in to silence, I stood there looking at them like the was my puppets yes I own this school everyone bow down to me lol. I smiled "ok everyone you all know what today is its my birthday and my party is at 10pm everyone can come!" I yelled. Everyone in the cafeteria whooped and hollered "yes party at hottie Amber house!" One of the football players yelled. I flipped my long deep red hair and walked to go greet my hot boyfriend Erik he is the quarterback for the Seminole Arrows. "Hey baby" Erik said in his deep sexy voice. "Happy birthday" he said while planting a kiss on my cheek. "Aww thanks baby, are you coming to my party tonight?" I asked. "Yes my Amber I'm coming" Erik said while planting thus time a kiss on my lips. Omg I love Erik he is so sexy I always loved his deep blue eyes, his dark brown Edward style hair and his muscular body. One of Erik buddies in the back ground whistled "damn Erik going to get some tonight" he squawked. I flipped my hair back and turned my head to him and raised a brow then turn my head to Erik who was looking around crazy. "Uhh nah dude, uhh amber is not ready yet so we are just waiting" Erik said with a strong face. His buddy laughed "damn prince charming have to wait to smash hottie amber damn burn!" He laughed. Every one at the table laughed, "ah shut up James" Erik scrawled. I rolled my eyes "no one is going to smash amber"I said and flipped my hair again. So the rest of the day went by fast, me and peyton drove to my house to finish up things and get ready for the party. "Hey moni" peyton said . "hey pey, what's up moni said. "Uhhh moni aew the decorations done yet?" I asked. Monica turnt her head and pointed at me. "What?" I asked "why arent you dressed?" Moni asked. "I'm trying to get everything ready before the party starts" I said. Moni pushed me towards the stairs "go get ready me and pey got everything" moni said. I huffed "oh alright" I said. I went to my room and got to work, I took a long shower this time. I blow dryer mylong deep red hair then curled it. I lotions myself down, then I put on my gorgeous dress. The dress was a high low dress it hugged my curves really well. Also the turquoise looked really good on my light tan skin. I love how it glittered in the light and the diamonds was very tasteful. I looked in the mirror I twirled around admiring how my dress looks on me. Then I went to my closet and took out my new turquoise diamond jimmy choo shoes which costed 1700$ I put them on my feet they looked good on my feet. Damn I'm glad I got my toes done I thought to myself. I went over to my vanity mirror and went to work putting on my make up then the big finale come I put my Tiara on my head. I walked to my big mirror and stood there feeling like a princess, maybe a goddess cause I looked so fucking beautiful. Satisfied with how I look I went down stairs

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