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Copyright © 2014 by GoalDigger

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She laid beside him on his small, tattered up couch, looking at the laptop screen of the music that he had been making since the beginning of his high school years. She knew her mama was going to kill her if she knew where she really was, and who she really was with.

Everyday for the past couple of months, her mother thought she was staying after school for tutoring. In all reality, she rode down the street to her boo's house and chilled with him for about 3 hours straight.

She looked up at him as her head lay rest on his chest and her arm wrapped around his lower torso. His eyes were closed and she wondered how did God bless her with a nigga so fine? He opened his eyes and looked at her with a smile, "You know I can feel you staring at me, right?"

She laughed and looked down, "You want me to stop?" Even though she felt as if she knew the answer to his question, she didn't. He was always unpredictable.

Returning the laugh she gave him, he pulled her into him closer, closing his eyes during the process, "I mean... yeah. That shit weird as fuck." She smacked her teeth and nodded.

Her eyes beginning to flutter, all she wanted to do was go to sleep in his arms forever... but she knew that was too good to be true. If only God could tell her that he was the right one and he wasn't playing with her emotions, she'd run away from home and start a life with him.

If only...

She didn't know much about him as she thought she did, but she wasn't dumb enough to think she was his only one. Every 'I love you' he'd tell her might have been true, but she didn't trust them unless she was the only bitch he was telling it to.

Times like this she honestly didn't care what other bitches he was fucking with as long as all that's on his mind at this moment was her, and only her. "I can't wait til my shit finally get lit so we can get the fuck up outda here. I'ma get me a nice ass house, car, and lifestyle. You gon be with me too, right?" He asked her, shaking her a bit.

What kind of question was that? Even though he didn't know it, she'd basically dedicated her life to him. All she thought about was him. All she worried about was him. She didn't even reply to anyone's message until he replied to hers. She was sprung, and she loved the feeling of it. "Of course, nigga."

He laughed as he slid out from under her, buckling up his pants and throwing back on his shirt. "I know. You been with me thru thick and thin.. shid, I be damned if I ever let you go." He said it more to himself than to her, which made her face beam.

She threw back on her clothes and then checked the time on her phone. She only had ten minutes to get back to her school before her mama pulled up. He grabbed his keys, phone, and earphones and opened the door before her.

Picking up her book bag, phone, and purse, she left out and he walked out behind her. He closed the door and followed her to the car. It was an old, grey Nissan whose wheels had two more puffs of air until them bitches were through.

Growing up, she figured the man she was going to fall deeply in love with was going to be the most popular guy in school, had all the latest shit, and had money racked on him everyday... but he was the complete opposite.

But, who was her to judge? Her life wasn't even twice as good as his. Therefore, when she fell for him, she fell hard, knowing that they could relate in both of the shit they were going through. If it wasn't for her bestfriend, she probably wouldn't even be the person she was.

He started his car and she passed him the aux cord. He plugged his phone up and his car began blasting one of his own songs entitled, 'Mine', which he told her he had written about her.

When he told her that, all she could do was laugh. She knew damn well he hadn't written a song for her. If so, then that meant he really did like her. But, wasn't it she who was stuck up his ass, not the same way around? When she heard the song the first time, all of the 32 bones in her mouth were exposed. Hearing the exact words she told him, all the exact shit that she told him, she knew this was all her.

And, that's why it was her favorite song. The song she could never get tired of. The song she listened to when she was sad, mad, or in the tub. This was HER song. She was special.

It didn't take him long before he pulled up to her school. He parked the car then looked at her. "I'ma miss you." He poked out his lips for her to give him a kiss.

She laughed and pecked his lips, "You won't have to miss me if you pick me up again tomorrow after we get out of school, and call me tonight." Her heart always picked up speed when she asked him about calling her, texting her, or picking her up. He always had an excuse to do one, but when she didn't see him for a while, or hear from him, she went into a depression or seclusion. Even though they went to the same school, they didn't have any classes together and didn't see each other at school at all.

He took a deep breath as he held onto her thigh. "I don't know about picking you up tomorrow yet... I got things to do after school. But, I'ma call you when you get home and I'ma see if we can go somewhere tomorrow, aight?" That's what made her so sad, because she was the type of girl who had to see him everyday or she'd die.

Rolling her eyes, she saw her mother's car pulling up in front of her school. "Okay, whatever." She grabbed her book bag and attempted to get out the car, but he grabbed her wrist.

"We're gonna go somewhere, okay? Okay. Gimme a kiss, and don't deny my love." He told her, making her laugh. She gave him enough sugar to make him last for the rest of the night as she grabbed her things and got out of his car. "I love you."

That was the only thing he had to tell her to keep her in a good mood for a couple of days. "I love you, too." She returned. Going around her mother's car, she found a different direction to get in so it seemed like she was coming out of the school.

She got in the passenger side of the car and her mama started to pull off. She relaxed her shoulders and released a deep breath, as her mind wandered about the few hours she just had spent with the dude she loved.

She wished everything could stay how her life was going, because it was great. Good grades, family hadn't been riding her back, and she was in love.. something she hadn't been in for a while.

But, that was five years ago. Everything is different now.

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