Episode 2

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Y/N: "Wow, Park Jimin, huh?"

I am still in disbelief that I am going to be working with one of, if not the highest rank dancer for our senior project. I know with his dancing skills that he will be able to excel at his portion of the project. I just need to make sure that I pull my own weight and shoot an amazing video.

I know with him being a high ranked dancer, he will be able to fulfill his end of the project, which was my biggest concern about this partner project. I mean, everyone has done a group project before where a person didn't pull their own weight but still got the same grade as everyone else.

I finish rinsing off, and get out of the shower. While I am brushing my teeth, I hear the air conditioning turn on in my apartment. I feel the cool air and start getting excited for the day, not only am I going to my classes today, but I am also going to be meeting up with Jimin in the café tonight to start talking about the project.

I head to my closet to get dressed for the day.

I finish getting dressed to the distinct rattle that my air vents make whenever air blows through, I mean this is an old style apartment, so not everything is going to work smoothly, and decide to head to campus a bit early to grab some breakfast before class.

I head to one of the little breakfast shops on campus. Once inside I decide to get a muffin and strawberry smoothie.

I hand the cashier the amount that it would take to pay for both items. When I get my food, I walk outside the shop and walk to my favorite place on campus to eat. Near the Arts and Media building there is a small clearing with trees surrounding it. It is a bit of a pain to get to, but in my opinion I would do almost anything to be surrounded by peace and quiet, instead of being surrounded by people I don't know.

I walk along the narrow path and finally make it to the clearing. I set my things down and sit on the grass leaning my back against a tree. I calmly eat my muffin and sip on my smoothie.

Once I finish my muffin and smoothie, I regretfully leave the clearing and head towards my locker. I put my things that I don't need and grab my book, and spiral for my first morning class.

(First class)

I enter my first class which is an editing course. When I am inside, I take my usual place of sitting in the back. I sit there getting my things ready in front of the computer, to practice the editing techniques that the professor will teach us, when I hear the classroom door open.

Jeon Jungkook comes rushing in, seemingly out of breath. When he looks around he doesn't see an open seat except for next to me. He sets his things next to me, and nods in my direction when he sees me looking at him. Before I could nod back, the professor comes in the room.

Professor: "Good morning students! Welcome to Editing 412. Our first order of business is for me to assign each one of you a computer. Instead of asking you to move around, I am going to pass around the chart and ask that you fill in you name next to the number computer that you are currently sitting at. This will be your seat for the remainder of the semester."

While the professor is setting up his computer to the projector, the seating chart gets passed around the classroom. After a while, it finally reaches me. When I look at it I happen to glance at the name above mine on the list.

22: Mark Tuan
23: L/N Y/N

I then pass the chart to Jungkook so that he can fill in his name.

(Later on that day)

Y/N: "Finally! I am done with classes today!"

I grab my things out of my locker, and remember that I have to meet Jimin at 8.

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