His laugh.

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I finally found my voice and thoughts. I smiled at the five lads. "Nice to meet you. I'm looking forwards to actually getting to know you guys." I looked over at Meg for a second, seeing she still had the silly look on her face. I shoved her lightly and untangled my arm. "Yeah. Can't wait." She mumbled, eyes finding a new interest in the ground.

"Well, you two stay here. I'll be back shortly so we can leave." I hugged my dad again before I watched him walk off. I turned back to One Direction to find that Meg was already making herself confortable, sitting inbetween Harry (of course) and Liam. I rolled my eyes and sat down in one of the chairs next to Niall, taking my flip flops off and sitting 'criss-cross apple sauce'.

All of us just quietly watched eachother for a while, unsure of what to  say really. Although soon enough, Louis began a conversation about how fun the tour was going to be.

"Seriously though! You two are going to have the best summer of our lives. Starting now!" He laughed. Meg seemed to be getting more comfortable around them, so she joined in as well.

"To think I could be at home on Twitter. This is deffinetly an upgrade." She grinned.

And so the discussion took off between Meg, Louis and Niall. Harry was sitting there on his phone, occasionally adding a few things in and Zayn was just quiet. I honestly have no other words for it.. Just quiet. I mean, he was paying attention and such, but it seemedl iek he idn't have any input to give. I soon joined in on the conversation, laughing and joking around like I'd known these boys all my life instead of ten minutes.

Zayn eventually joined the conversation, joining in the laughing as well. It made me smile.. his laugh was adorable. I'd deffinetly have to find a way so I could hear it more.

Wait.. what did I just think? I shook my head lightly. I was not going to let myself get involved with any of the five wonderful boys sitting near me. And besides, they were international superstars with millions of girls throwing themselves at them.

Why would they be interested in someone as normal as me?

As my dad came over, he told us it was time to head up and out. I unfolded my legs, put my shoes back on and stood up. Everyone else stood and Meg finally rejoined my side, a smile plastered on her face. She leaned over to me and whispered in my ear. "He was touching me. The entire time." I scoffed and rolled my eyes, grinning at her. 

"They're just human."

When we were outside, the boys took turns giving me and Meg hugs before we got in the car again. They were short hugs that lasted a few seconds but I didn't care. And from her reaction, Meg certainly didn't.  Afterwards, we both climbed back int othe car to go the airport.

Zayn's P.O.V

I climbed into the with Haz, Lou, Niall and Liam. I sat in the middle, like usual. Despite the time of day, the boys were still goofing around and laughing way too loud. I wanted to join in, but my mind was too busy, too preoccupied. Niall seemed to take notice, mostly because he was in the seat next to me. 

"Zayn, you okay? You're awfully quiet." He asked, his accent making me smile a bit.

"Yeah, I'm good. Just thinking."

"Typical Zayn!" Louis shouted, poking the back of my head. I stuck my tounge out at him.

"What are you thinking about?" Niall spoke up again.

"The girls probably! I know I am!" Harry smirked, recieving a punch in the arm from Liam. I just laughed.

"He's correct actually. Alice specifically." I smiled.

"My mind's on Meghan. She's a riot! And really pretty." Niall grinned lightly. 

"Ohhh, Ni likes a girl!" Harry taunted the poor blonde. Niall's face turned pink.

And so the next few minutes were spent taunting Niall. But it was all out of love and becasue the Irish got embarassed so easily.

"Wait.. Didn't you say something about Alice?" Harry brought the attention back to me.

"Maybe..." I sighed. The boys 'oh'd for a bit before Liam, Mister Responsible, spoke up.

"Not to rain on your parade or anything... but didn't Paul make it clear we were to stay away from her yesterday?" He asked, frowning lightly. 

"Yeah, I guess."  I shrugged and nodded lightly.

"Good thing he didn't say anything about Meghan!" Harry piped up, grinning and looked at Niall. I thought quietly again.

Alice didn't even seem to be interested. Sure, I caught her watching me a few times, but other them that, she barley said two words to me. And besides, even if she was interested, it was probably only because I'm in One Direction. I would still need to get to know her more though. And at that moment, I made it my mission to get to know Alice Higgins better. I looked at the boys, a smirk playing on my lips.

"But some rules are meant to be broken."

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