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The Written Past

Song: Just Give Me A Reason by Pink ft. Nate Ruess


"I'm done with this conversation." Chloe slightly glared at Jaxon as he walked by bumping her shoulder purposely.

Looking over her shoulder, Chloe watched Jaxon congratulate her cousin as he hugged her tightly. On the outside, she remained calm but on the inside, Chloe was beginning to become agitated. Since last night, she was trying to make conversation with her long time friend but it was becoming troubling.

Brandon took the time to look over as Chloe walked over with a calm look on her face. He didn't say a word as she smiled in his direction wondering what his two friends talked about.

"Thank you, Jaxon. I appreciate it." Jess smiled as Chloe stood next to her. "Hey, I was looking for you."

Chloe smiled as she embraced her cousin, "I was talking with Jaxon but that didn't go well." She spoke in her cousin's ear. "Anyway, congratulations!"

Jess smiled as she felt every single fiber of positive vibes course through her body. She had finished school with her degree and just needed to conquer her biggest obstacle. That was taking the NCLEX-RN exam and passing it with flying colors.

"Oh, Jessica!"

Chloe and Jessica both glanced over their shoulders as Aunt Jacquelynne walked confidently towards them. A smile was bright on her lips, her hair bounced with each step and she screamed expensively.

"Aunt Jackie!" She exclaimed through her teeth as she was embraced in a tight hug. "I'm glad that you made it."

Jacquelynne pulled from the embrace stepping back to give her niece a once over. "I'm glad that I could attend this ceremony and to see your first step of accomplishment." She spoke confidently as Chloe, Jaxon, and Brandon stood back.

"Now, that you've's time to prepare for your exam to determine your status a registered nurse. Next, after you've worked a couple of years in the hospital then you go for your masters. Yes?" Jacquelynne wanted the best for her niece since she was the second to follow in her footsteps.

Jessica felt cornered by her aunt but she quickly nodded as Jacquelynne smiled. "Yeah, getting my masters will be in the future."

Chloe smiled in her cousin's direction but quickly masked it as her aunt looked over her shoulder, "Hey, Aunt Jackie." She waved awkwardly as Jackie walked over.

"Hello, Chloe, it's been a while since I've last seen you." The last time Jacquelynne saw Chloe was just before her junior year. "How's life been for you?"

Chloe swallowed nervously, "It''s been great." She answered nervously. "And how's life been for"

Jacquelynne smiled, "Well when you've been chief of the hospital for almost ten years it's not an easy job. But I always managed to start and end the show."

Chloe felt an intimidation every time she spoke with her Aunt Jackie because she knew her questions were straightforward.

"Speaking of careers, how's journalism going for you?"

Jessica, Brandon, and Jaxon all look towards Jacquelynna as Chloe stare into the eyes of her aunt.

"I'm...not a journalist." Chloe swallowed. "I'm an interior designer." She answered as she avoided Jaxon's curious stare.

A swipe of confusion etched Jacquelynne's face by Chloe's answer, "I could've sworn you went to school for journalism. What happen to-"

"She changed careers."

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