Chapter 3 - Volume 1 - The Best in the World

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8 days post arrival

"These are bullheads... how the hell do these things fly? They're so massive, they can't be made of steel... it doesn't look like aluminum either. The dust thrusters on these things must be something else." My workshop is under construction, and the only thing left on my immediate list of tasks is to arm myself. Ozpin kept true to his word and sent me direct instructions from the private Beacon bullhead pad at the public terminal. Besides myself, it seems the only other souls aboard are miscellaneous staff, a ... rather large professor, and a single student. 'A Faunus no less, and what is that? A rabbit? I may as well greet her. Need to get to know people, they may be useful later.'

As I cross the bullhead, she notices me about halfway, and we exchange waving at each other. "So," I start, seating myself across the table from her. "I'm a bit new here, might I ask your name?"

"Velvet Scarletina" she says with a small smile "and, what's your name?" 'Well, at least she cooperates like a normal human' "I'm Marcus, Marcus Aurelius. Like I said I'm new here, so I'm trying to get to know my peers. Are you perhaps a second year student?"

"Yes I am, how did you know?"

"It's quite simple. The only people at the academy presently are upperclassmen. As far as I can tell, I'm the only first year to have arrived early. So I assumed you were a second year or above student." Her face gained an ever so slight shade of red. "Well when you put it like that it sounds simple." I shrugged "No more simple than anything else really, I'm just pretty observant. Well since we're both heading to town, where are you headed to once we land?"

"I'm off to meet up with a teammate. She'd gone shopping downtown and forgot her wallet. I have stuff to do downtown as well, so I'm not bothered having to play along with her forgetfulness. What about yourself?"

"I'm headed to a weapons smith in the middle of town. Ozpin himself recommended I go there. I'm pretty sure it's called 'Atlas' Finest.' She raises her brow at the statement. "Do you not have a weapon? How'd you get to Beacon without one? Only reason you wouldn't is if you fight unarmed, but then you wouldn't need one." 'Shit, said too much' "My previous weapon was irreparably damaged in an encounter with a Goliath out in the Emerald Forest. Wouldn't have been a problem, but there were others, and so I had to flee. I might as well get a new one.

Velvet is visibly shaken at thought of getting ambushed by a Goliath. That or she's a gun nut who couldn't bare having her weapon broken. "At least you escaped alive, that's something to be thankful for." I incline my head in acknowledgement, and we drop the conversation, simply enjoying the view.


The rest of the trip continued without incident, and I had no problems reaching the establishment thanks to the directions on my scroll. Thing is, nobody is here. He better not be closed, it's four on a Friday.

It seems to be a somewhat average store. Well, as average I can expect from a place with Transformer guns. Glass display cases, some rifles behind a counter, and enough rounds to start an army. I ding the bell on the counter and continue observing the weapons on display. They seem to be made with great skill, though I don't care as long as it functions long enough for me to forge my own weapon.

"Be right with you!" A heavily accented German shouts from the back room. Soon enough, a man in a drab green military uniform exits the back room. "How may I assist you?"

"Hello, I come from Beacon, Ozpin should've mentioned I'd be coming." The smile on his face broadens "Ya, he did indeed, come on into the back room, I just finished your rifle. He leads me into the back room, revealing it to be a small forge. "It should be around here somewhere..." he says, searching through a number of weapons lockers.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2020 ⏰

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