chapter. 6 misunderstandings

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                       No one's POV.                        


Canada yelled furiously

"Yeah....I kissed him....." America said with a nervous smile

"AMERICA!! YOU WASTED A KISS ON HIM!?!!? THAT WAS YOUR FIRST KISS!!"  Canada yelled to America's face

America then felt a terrible urge to cry his eyes out right there. He stood up from where he was sitting and turned to face the mirror. He placed his hands on the edge of the sink and took a deep breath.

"Please....dont tell dad" America said looking at his self in the mirror

"Alright, I wont" Canada said as he stood up

He lifted his right hand and gently patted Americas back. He then let out sigh as he heard the bell ring for second period to start. They were of course late

"Well, we better get going" Canada said as he took his hand from his brothers back

"Fine" was all America said as he walked with his brother down the hall

                   AMERICAS POV.                   

I feel like a idiot, I fell for a heartless b!tch. I wanted to cry so bad, my eyes were getting heavy and wet due to the urge to start sobbing. I slowly walked to math where I would soon meet russia, I went to the door and gently turned the handle. I really didnt want eyes on me, especially since I have three of the WORSE people in my second period.

I walked into the classroom with all eyes on me, I stood there for a few seconds while looking around the room. I noticed that the only seat left was in the back......with the bullys. Russia was there to but he looked very depressed, oh well

I walked over to the table and silently took a seat, the two countries with russia stared at me and then smirked. I watched as one scooted closer to me, I think his name was china. He then slowly placed his hand on my thigh and very gently squeezed it, I instantly felt uncomfortable due to the fact that I dont like to be touched but i made an exception for russia know...

I smacked his hand away and glared at him, he then gave me a smirk that instantly made you uncomfortable and made you shiver. He places his hand and softly moved it to my crotch, I began to feel tears form in my eyes as the pressure of his hand got closer to my area. I then heard a chair violently move as it made a loud  screeching sound. China then got grabbed by his collar and violently thrown off.

Then a person picked me up really fast and ran to the door, they kicked it opened and started running down the halls. I was to scared to see what was happening so I kept my eyes closed. A warm breeze gently blew against my skin as I knew we were outside. I finally was put down and able to uncover my eyes. As I did, I saw a person I never expect to see.


                      RUSSIAS POV.                          

America made his way to the table and sat down beside north and china. They looked at each for a minute then smirked. What are they up to?
I then saw China getting closer to America, his arm was moving very slowly. I watched as china got his hand smacked by America who just glared at him and went back to daydreaming. His eyes began to wide as you could see it through his glasses, and looking terrified, I looked under the table to see something that my temper boil and angry flood through my body.

He was sexually touching MY America, I couldn't take the anger going through me head to toe. I stood up very fast and grabbed china as violently as I could. I threw him against the floor making him gasp for air. I looked over to where America was sitting but.......he wasnt there. I looked up to north running WITH AMERICA IN HIS HANDS!! I never felt more angry in my life, I stomped out the classroom making everyone,including the teacher, terrified. I heard the doors open and close really fast as footsteps began to fade away. I started dashing through everything to find America and north.

I finally went out in the back of the school, to find something that broken me into to pieces.

They were kissing.....

I slowly began to feel burning tears stream down my cheeks, did I lose him? Does he like north? Is he kissing back? I didnt know how to feel but anger and sadness, I stood there as I watched something that I loved being torn away from me. I should've known that after saying those words I would lose him to someone....who would treat him better than I could.

After a few minutes, the kissing stopped, I crashed onto my knees and sobbed quietly but uncontrollably. My dear America loves north.....not me. I was such an idiot to say those things, why didnt I say "yeah so?" Or "I love him" I didnt know what to do.

I stood up from where I was sitting and took one last look at him.........he was please dont love him, love me. I need you and want you, I didn't mean those words. I DIDN'T MEAN IT PLEASE DONT LEAVE ME!!

I then dashed through the doors crying my eyes out and went to the roof, I went behind a wall on the side of the doors and cried my heart out.

I lost him forever.......

                     AMERICAS POV.                       

"N-north?!" I said in shock

"That's right" he said with a smile

"What..why-" I couldn't find the words until he spoke

"Shh America, I know what Russia did to you and I'm sorry" he said with a frown

"You called me a capitalist pig? Why are you sorry?" I said, I was so confused

"Because I was jealous, I love you" north said with a gentle smile

"Nor-" before I could say anything, he smashed are lips together and forced his lips on mine.

I didnt kiss back, I dont love him.. at all. I tried to get away but his hands moved to my waist, he pulled me close making it impossible to move away. As we separated, I wiped my mouth "disgusting" I said to myself

"You know, i know russia loves you and all but blah blah blah" north began,

All I could think about was that he said russia loves me. Did he really, north wouldn't say that if it wasnt true. I smiled brightly to myself, the thought of Russia telling me he loved me made my heart flutter.

I cant wait to see him.....

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