Part 5

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Severus stood back up and outstretched his hand to Harry.

"Come on Harry, we need to go talk to some people." Severus said.

"W-who?" Harry asked nervously.

"Your Aunt and Uncle. We need to tell them that you will no longer be under their custody." Sure, Harry understood why they had to do this, but that didn't mean he wanted to see the people that have caused him so much pain- especially when he'd just been promised that he'd never have to see them again. Tears gathered in Harry's eyes as he thought about how his mates had already lied to him within less than an hour. Severus noticed this and knew why the tears were caused. He leaned down picked Harry up from under his armpits. He set Harry's head on his broad shoulder and calmed him easily.

"But you promised no more Dursleys." Harry stated simply when he was nothing but a tired mess of sniffles. 

"I know, I know. But we have to legally do this and you have to be present when they sign over your custody." Severus told the little neko in his arms.

"Will you be there? And Draco? I don't want to go back alone." Harry asked, moving so he was sitting in Severus' arms facing his face.

"Of course." Severus assured. "Let's get going. I don't want us to get home too late. Come on Drake." Severus said, holding out a hand for Draco, who gladly took it. When Severus tried to put Harry onto his own two feet, Harry just tightened his grip around Sev's neck and shook his head 'no' with a pleading look in his eyes. Severus just readjusted him into a more comfortable position, silently telling Harry that he could stay in his arms. Draco sent a quick patronus to his parents telling them that they were going to get Harry's custody sighned over and that they would meet them back at the manor. Severus held Harry tighter before apparating away, landing right in front of 4 Privet Drive. Draco knocked on the door with his free hand; Severus' being full. There was a lot of moving from inside the house, including a door slamming and the words 'fucking freak' being spoken. Harry clung tighter to Severus and hid his face in the crook of Severus' neck. It was his uncle. The door swung open and there stood a whale of a man, Vernon Dursley.

"Who the hell are you?" Vernon scoffed. Severus rolled his eyes and hugged Harry tighter.

"Well, muggle, why don't you just get your horse faced wife. She'll know who I am and then we can talk about Harry." Severus explained. Vernon glared at Severus before turning his attention to Harry. He pulled him out of Severus' grip and held his ear. 

"How dare you leave without permission and then come waltzing back with more people and..." Vernon trailed off, noticing Harry's ears and tail. "What the fuck?! What are you, a cat?!" He yelled. Severus took out his wand and pointed it at Vernon.

"He is not a cat. He is a neko. To be more specific, mine and Draco's neko. I suggest you release him before I do some real irreversible damage." Severus growled. Vernon let go and shoved Harry into the house.

"Go to your cupboard, I'll deal with you later." He instructed quietly. Harry sent a pleading look to Severus and Draco before running down the hall to the small cupboard under the stairs and disappearing into it. Severus pushed past Vernon and lead Draco into the living room, where Petunia and Dudley sat watching TV. Petunia jumped up and pushed Dudley into the kitchen, telling him to stay there.

"What are you doing here? My disgusting sister isn't around anymore." Petunia demanded.

"Well, Tuny," Severus began. "I am here so that you can sign Harry's custody over to me. He is my neko after all." Petunia looked utterly confused.
"The freak isn't here. He ran away at some point last night." She told him.

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