Early state of insanity

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Hi dylan here and for this chapter I want to share a few of my dreams or things I see and hear at night... these won't be in any particular order I just wanted to share them with you guys!

I was at my grandmothers house in the dream, minding my own business. The house itself was the same but the outside was much different. I wasn't out there much, mostly staying in the house looking. Looking for what you might ask. Well.. you'll see.
I have this cat named Coco and he's a very fluffy cat with black, brown and white fur. So I saw him and he.. he spoke to me. It was in riddles and I don't quite remember what he had said. All I knew after this is I had to keep looking.
I eventually found more cats hidden throughout the house, speaking riddles to me. Some were covered in crazy colors of hair but they all had one of the same colors. Black.
By now I've searched the hall way up stairs and the attic (my sister's room) several times. After giving up somewhat I walked out to the balcony and found a new cat. It spoke and I turned around to find a new cat. But instead there was a cat hanging upside down staring at me. Now that I think back to the dream, it reminds me a lot of Cheshire Cat from 'Alice In Wonderland'. But the thing is I had looked in that exactly spot multiple times. It's mouth dropped open and it spoke a new riddle to me. I somehow knew this would be throwing me off track but I listened to the confusing cat anyways. The cat grinned and my dream ended.

(Not a Dream!) Sometimes I Lay in bed fighting just to sleep, the covers uncomfortable and not tucked in as tight as I'd like. You see, I'm very paranoid when I sleep. I need to sheet to be tucked in tightly at both sides and at the bottom or else I feel like something will crawl up my legs and kill me. It sounds strange I know, but I'm a paranoid person. But anyways sometimes the closet door isn't shut quite all the way and one side needs more tucking. I would get up, close the closet door and try tucking the sheet in.
Then there's the paranoia.
What if it's going to kill me?
What if this is what It wants me to do...?
What if it drags me away?
What if it kills me?
Am I going to die?
I would leap into bed and calm my own nerves and fall asleep. I would sometimes have strange dreams and wake up. The thing is... sometimes there's a knocking on my door. It's Not loud or particularly fast. Just enough to try and wake someone up or let them know you want in. Of course I'd always flip out or just try hard to ignore it and fall back to sleep. Sometimes, rarely though, it will repeat. Not faster, slower, quieter not even louder. One particular night I could've sworn it was Morse code or my dad knocking. But the more nights it happens the less convinced it's my dad.

(Dream) I was camping with my family at a place called Turkey Run. (Its a real place, don't believe me, search it up.) it was all fun and games but the trails all looked weird and different. It was worn out and all dried up, clearly dead or dying. Eventually my uncle stopped us to look at a rather large boat with a dog on top. Nearby were rafts and he wanted to see if he could rescue the dog. He managed to get closer to the boat with the dog on top.
I think he tried and save it but gave up after some random talking. He called it unworthy it and we moved on, as simple as that. After that the setting changed sort of. My uncle disappeared and my dad was here now and my grandpa from the completely different side of my family. But now I felt like a girl.
One thing needed to know about how particular I feel like this makes it is, Ive always felt like a boy (hence why I'm FTM, trans) and barely in ANY of my dreams do I feel feminine.
Let's continue on though. We reached a river and we call went Into it, reaching another raft to get us to the other side. My dad managed onto the raft and pulled me up into it. He somehow fell in and a pillow (???) was now provided and I had to drag my grandpa and dad onto the raft with me.
After that I don't remember what happened until I was completely alone, family wise. There were people chasing me down into what looked a bit like a cave. It was all water at the bottom and about was all domed out rock. It felt like a mixture of a place in Turkey Run and a swimming hole at my house in Michigan (aka my grandmas house).
The two guys were making fun of me for some reason and I was just kind of drifting around and somehow breaking things. There were—- Christmas decorations? It was weird.
And for the sake of how long this whole chapter is I'm not explaining how everything really looked or what the people were saying.
But finally there was another female that came. The two men seemed to fear her and she spoke sweetly towards me and seemed very revengeful to the men. I was called sweetie and such while the two men crumbled in fear. The female grabbed one male, and the dudes skin turned greenish and blood flowed. He was dead.
Somehow I was on land with a Christmas tree I had accidentally broken and the female turns to me.
"Can I have that sweetie?" She Asked and I had obliged happily and given it to her. She had thanked me and turned back to the man. She looked menacing even with the top of. Christmas tree and the guy was clearly horrified. She grabbed his hand and pressed it all together, breaking his bones as she went. But not only that his skin was also turning green, crumbling away as blood flowed by the tons and bone began to show.
He died but somehow I knew this girl was protecting me. Something else happened but I don't remember really, and then my dream ended...

So I decided that all I'm sharing for now and I might share more dreams later on if you guys enjoy it or not! I had fun sharing them even though they've been causing a lot of stuff lately. Anyways this is unedited to excuse my mistakes please. See ya, bye!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2020 ⏰

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