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I think the "Read if you dare" Chapter was the reason why this is number 8 on mugmanxcallamaria. My bad I'll delete it. Ok it is gone now I guess I could actually put something from the game here. I'll do that.

"Honey?" Cala said while doing the dishes "Are we out of Steak?" I put down a book I was reading. "Yeah, we should get some more." I said walking to the kitchen. "Ok could you go to the store to get some? Cala asked finishing the dishes. "I got it." I said grabbing the keys to the car. I saw someone running up to me as I approached my car.

I quickly opened the car door and got it. "Muggy." Cuphead said tapping on the window. " Why did you ignore me?" I rolled the window down. "Cause I no like you bucko." I said readjusting the mirrors. Cuphead looked at me annoyed and got in the car. " Where we going?" He said putting on his seatbelt. "The store for steak. "I said pulling out of the driveway.*He really needs to get a car for himself* I thought.

                    7 minutes later

We got to the store and grabbed a cart. "What else are we getting?" Cuphead asked me. "Just the steak." I said annoyed. Cuphead Groaned like a child. *What a loser* he thought. "Y'know, you may need to think about getting something other than food." Cuphead said.

"What do you mean?" I asked. "Y'know incase Cala gets preggo."
*Preggo* I thought. *What if that does happen?* "Nah, Cala doesn't think about having a child." I said grabbing steak. "But what if she does?" Cuphead said.

"No, shut up you just want food." I said annoyed. Cuphead got sad that I figured out his trick. We walked to the check out station and paid for the steak. We put the steak in the car and returned the car and drove home.

"See ya Muggy." Cuphead said waving at me. "I hate you." I said Jokingly. I got inside and put the keys on a hook. "I have steak." I said taking my coat off. "Good." Cala Said setting the table. "Ooh, something smells good." I said setting sitting down.

(I'm having a brain fart trying to write this)

"What you cooking?" "Just some Spaghetti." Cala replied. Then all of a sudden. Some skeleton guy busted through the window and started saying "Nyeh Heh Heh" Cala screamed and i grabbed the guy and threw him out of the house. "What the hell was that? Cala asked. I shrugged and closed the door.

I started boarding up the window so no one could break in easily. Then sat down with Cala ready to eat. "So I was thinking." Cala said. "Oh yeah, about what?" I asked while eating. "Whether we should have a child." She said.

I dropped my Fork in shock. "Are you ok Dear?" Cala asked worried. "I'm fine, I just never thought you would say something like that." I said nervously. We started talking about the child and both agreed that we should get one. So We adopted one because Cala is a damn Mermaid what did you think would happen?

We named the Kid as one of my favorite characters from star wars. Obi Wan, because he always gets the high ground. And he grew up a happy life. Made friends, got a girlfriend. And stuff while me and Cala got old.
"Muggy" Cuphead said. I turned to him as I saw him do one last air hump before our story ends. God damnit Cuppy.

This is why I was Elder Kettles faveorite and not you. Obi Wan had kids of his own and got a little dog named Jake. The family he made was normal. As my family was... Not normal. Oh well. Life is crazy, and it always will be.

                       10 years later

Cuphead... Passed away. He died from Lung Cancer. We arranged a funeral for him tomorrow. So if you could join us. That would mean a lot to him.

                       5 years later

Cala was diagnosed with Dementia. She started forgetting who we were and killed herself for not being happy.

                     5 months later

I layed on my deathbed as the rest of my friends and family gathered around my crying. "Come on everyone." I said half smiling. "Be positive, I will see you all soon. So we can all be together again." I closed my eyes.


                             The end

So, this is the end of "Mugman x Cala Maria. Thanks to everyone who read this. Couldn't think of any other way to end this so I had to go with this way. It's weird how one stupid story I made could be so good. Anyway thank you guys. Bye

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