Chapter 8

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recap: annoying


Narutos POV:

We heard loud popping noises and ran to where they came from. Widow and some other guy were using that strange weapon. Widow won and turned the weapon towards us and flinched realizing we weren't the attackers.

"That was the last of them. I found the kids. Tell Barton to take them to HQ for questioning." Widow touched her ear while walking towards me.

"What's going on?! Those guys they're the same ones who took Sasuke and I!" I exclaimed.

"Yes, they're a group of very bad people. They call themselves Hydra. They're one of the many threats we the avengers have to fight against." Widow explained briefly.

"But why would they kidnap two kids?" I furrowed my brows.

"Probably tried to turn you into top tier assassins that they can control." Widow shrugged. I shivered in disgust.

"CREEPY!" I gagged.

"Sounds like Orochimaru." Sasuke paled. I nodded on agreement.

Other Avengers started to pile into the room with grim faces.

"I don't understand?! They shouldn't have been able to hack into my systems not even SHIELD has that ability." Tony grumbled while getting out of his armor.

"Barton we need to head back to SHIELD now and report this to Fury." Widow pursed her lips while putting her gun back in her holster.

"Aye aye captain! We out." Barton chuckled while leaving the room with Widow.

"Are you two boys okay?" Steve asked with a worried tone.

"We're fine. Sasuke we're not finished yet." I turned to Sasuke smile gone.

"Hn." He nodded his head and we both walked towards the training grounds.

I lifted the rope up and stepped inside the ring onto the map. Sasuke followed after me and we both sat on floor.

"What's up with you switching up on me all the time?" I growled getting straight to the point.

"I'm not switching up on you Dobe." Sasuke narrowed his eyes.

"Yes you ARE!" I pushed Sasuke and he got up to throw a punch at me.

"Even if I am it doesn't concern you so just stop worrying about me!" Sasuke kicked me to the ground.

"You know I can't do that you Teme!" I punched him in the stomach. He blocked it and we both jumped away from each other. He activated his sharingan and I summoned a clone. We both exchanged blows going almost all out.

"You're a selfish coward!" I yelled while pushing the stubborn Uchiha to the ground. Sasuke kicked me off of him and grabbed my arms holding me down. I struggled but to no avail.

"I know!" The avenger raised his voice. I froze and gazed into his eyes.


"I know I've been taking everything out on you since day 1!" Sasuke spat through his teeth. I sighed and pushed him off of me.

"Why don't you trust me a little? I have feelings to. I'm not just some loudmouth idiot." I shouted clenching my fist in anger. The avenger flinched at my statement a deep frown forming on his face.

"I'm sorry." Sasuke sputtered looking embarrassed.

"I've been taking things out on you when you're facing the same problem now." He sighed. A bright smile adorned my face and I chuckled.

"An Uchiha apologizing hell must've froze over! And it's ok, because I know we're going to find a way to get back home dattebayo!" I chirped.

"Somehow I doubt it but I applaud your optimistic views." Sasuke retorted.


Two years later....

"Sasuke! Sasuke! You want to go visit Steve Jii-San with me? He's gonna visit his old girlfriend." I beamed while straddling the once sleeping Uchiha.

Most of the Avengers left the tower so it was only Mr. Stark and Sasuke with me, oh and Ms. Pepper she's really nice. Bruce went far away so we haven't seen him for a while. Fury is still scary to me like Tsunade Baa-Chan bit Sasuke just finds him annoying. A lot has changed over the course of two years I would be lying if I said I didn't miss them.

"Get off of me dobe I'm trying to sleep go by yourself." Sasuke glared at me and then snuggled deeper into his pillow.

"Jeez still not a morning person.." I stared at him.

"Welp suit yourself see ya later Teme!" I shouted causing Sasuke to flinch from how loud I was. I headed towards the door jumping off of him and narrowly dodging a kunai thrown at me.

I snickered while walking down the hall to grab my duffle bag of my essentials so I could sleep over.

"Naru are you ready to go? It's time to go!" Steve shouted.

"Hai hai! I'm coming!" I shouted back while gathering my belongings. I just got the hang of using a phone. The music here is probably going to be something I miss.

Steve and I flew down to where he was staying in Washington D.C the capital of America. By the time we arrived it was night time and I was ready to take a shower and hit the hay.

"Ne..Steve Jii-chan where is the bathroom?" I asked with a smile.

"The bathroom is down the hall to your left, there's a guest room next to it so you can stay in there. I would've thought Sasuke was coming so there's two beds in there." Steve chuckled awkwardly while scratching his cheek.

"That bastard would rather stay in his bed then wake up an hour earlier to on a plane. He's never been much of a morning person." I pouted while crossing my arms.

"Sounds like him. Well Naruto I'll see you in the morning night." Steve gave me one last gentle smile before leaving.

I opened my room door and saw that the room was pretty simplistic. I put my stuff down and took out my shampoo and body wash. After a nice warm shower I was in my pajamas all comfortable and decided to pay Kuruma a visit before sleeping. I closed my eyes and when I opened them I was standing on soft grass. I changed a bit of the seal so Kuruma Nii-Chan was more comfortable while being inside of me. I would let him out but that would kill me.

"Kit." The deep voice called out.

I turned around my face lighting up and ran towards the demon hugging his huge snout.

"How are you Nii-Chan!" I grinned.

"As fine as I've ever been brat. How are you and that dammed Uchiha?" He asked.

"You should already know I let you see out of the seal." I lifted my brow.

"As if I pay attention to what you brats are doing haven't you heard of privacy?" The demon rolled his eyes in exasperation.

" bring up a valid point." I sweat dropped.

"Why are you here shouldn't you be sleeping?" He narrowed his eyes.

"Yeah but I'm bored.." I whined while burrowing my face in his soft fur. I felt the vibration of him humming in thought.

"Go to sleep brat I'll be right next to you so you don't freeze." Kuruma suddenly became smaller and I fell asleep while being curled up against him.

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