Getting Asked Out

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Most of the boys in class 1-A were hot. Unfortunately many of them were already dating. It seemed like if they weren't taken, they were gay, or both. My options were extremely limited as I didn't get out of the house as much as I should and as much as I hate to admit it, I was pretty lonely. Sure I had friends, but most of them were 1-A students like me. What I really wanted was a boyfriend. There did seem to be an answer to all my problems though: Denki Kaminari. He was bi, painfully single, and super cute. I'd be lying if I didn't say I had a small crush on him. He was also currently leaning on my desk practically begging me to be his date to the dance the girls were setting up.

"Please let me take you to the dance! I'll bring you flowers!"

I gave him a small smile and sighed, "Alright, pick me up around 6 then."

"Wait, for real!?" Kaminari smiled brightly.

It felt like the whole class was staring at me in disbelief. Thankfully the bell rang and everyone started leaving. I was still gathering my things when one of my closest friends, Mina, came up to me.

"You're not really gonna go with the charger as your date, are you?" she giggled, "I love you both as my closest friends but he is a bit of a womanizer...or he would be if he could get a date. "

"'Course I am. We're both single losers and he's damn cute, "I felt my face get a bit warm, "Besides, there was no way I could say no with the way he was begging!"

"Well just know if he tries anything funny we're all here for you."

"If he ditches me or something, I'm counting on you to be my date!" I joked, giving her a reassuring smile. "Unfortunately I don't own any fancy clothes."

Her eyes seemed to light up as she smiled widely, "I'm gonna make a few calls! Meet me at the mall in 30 minutes?"

I nodded and went home to my room to change out of my school uniform. A little while later I got a text from Mina, telling me she'd be waiting outside the mall in a little bit. I headed her way, and it seemed like I was the last person to show up. She was already there, talking to Hagakure and Midoriya.

"Hey! Sorry I'm late!" I called, rushing over to them.

"Oh don't worry! We just got here early," Hagakure said happily.

"Now that we're all here it's time!" Mina announced, putting her hands on her hips as she stood on in front of the 3 of us, "We have a dance tomorrow and (Y/N) doesn't own any dresses! Commence operation Get Kaminari To Fall In Love With (Y/N)! Also known as " Initial)!"

"What in the world...?" I sighed, shaking my head and smiling.

"Um, why am I here? You guys are always telling me I have terrible fashion taste?" Midoriya asked, wearing a t-shirt that said "button-up shirt."

"We need your boyish input!" Hagakure clapped her hands together.

We were at the mall for a good few hours before the girls finally let us leave. Midoriya and I were totally drained while Mina and Hagakure looked like they'd just been rejuvenated.

"How are they so energetic? They tried on more stuff than both of us combined!" I muttered to Midoriya.

Once we got back to the dorm, Mina assured me she'd be back tomorrow to get ready and such. Once I was finally alone in my room I crashed onto my bed, passing out almost instantly. 

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