Leaving for Love. Kakashi X Konan

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Dedicated to @supergal22. Thank you for your weird request that actually took me longer than 30 seconds to brainstorm about. XD Also, I do not own Naruto and I am still open for more requests.


   I said goodbye to Nagato as I left his office, he had finally allowed to me to leave the Akatsuki after five long, painful hours of arguing him about it. I entered my room, picking up both of my pre-packed bags. Smiling was the only thing my face could do on the journey ahead. My mind clear as day, my heart flourishing in joy.

   A week, in seven days I would see my love. I would be with him forever, not caring about what it took to be with him. Jail, interogation, it didn't stand it my way, it couldn't. I have to see him. I have to hold his face in my hands and look him in those wonderful divergent eyes. I have to smile with him, cry with him. I had to do everything with him, it was fate, no destiny; my destiny. Our destiny.

   He was.....perfect to me. His gravity-resistant silver hair, slightly tanned, soft skin. And even that cute little scar that went from under his eyebrow to just above his cheek; pulled my body to him as if it was written in some sort of proficy.

   So I risked it all......just for him.


   I smiled inwardly. She was on her way.  Konan would be here in the lead village in one week. I looked out at Konoha as it was being rebuilt. About three months ago Pein had attacked the village, destroying it entirely. Pein, better known by Konan as 'Nagato' had just escaped with his life because Naruto decided to give the anorexic male some of his chakra to complete Rinne's Rebirth without dying.

   That was also the day I had fallen in love with the purplette. I remember seeing her as I went to fetch the exhausted Uzumaki that day in the woods. Her beautiful purple hair and grey eyes, her pale skin silken to the touch, skin and even her labret piercing pulled into the beauty of her.

   After the village had cheered for Naruto,  I had ran to catch up to that wonderful mysterious woman. I had asked Tsunade-Sama for some time off when I had seen her again. She was walking with her arm wrapped around Pein's bony shoulders, helping in walk back to their base, only one of his 'Paths of Pein' following them.

   I remember how sharply she had turned around, using her paper to support Pein, as she prepared for an attack. I had put my hands up in surrender, smiling a closed eye smile as I approached her. "What do you want?" She had asked monotonously, slowing forming her paper wings on her back just in case. Her glare was to intense it almost made me want to steal her then; Bring her back to the village and never let her leave.

   Pein had said nothing, seeing the look in my eye, he turned away, having ing the Orange Haired Pein carry him away. I could have sworn I had seen a smirk. "Um, I just wanted to talk." I was hoping she wouldn't viciously attack me with her paper. She dropped her stance a bit, squinting at me as if I was some sort of suspect. "About?"

   This is where my light hearted awkward chuckle comes in. What was I supposed to say? 'Hey I saw when you left with your friend who was near death and I thought, 'hmm maybe I can make her mine' so I decided to follow you even though you've been traveling for twenty four hours tops just to make my dream come true.' Hell no. I would have definitely be killed by her that day if I would have uttered those words.

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