Chapter 7

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Kongpob's POV:

           I am sad because I am marrying before completing my studies. So when my dad  asked what I have decided I said "I have decided to ...... Marry my P'Arthit". They all breath a sign of relief.

Arthit's POV:

         I was holding my breath and ready to hear that Kong will break up with me but his answer surprise me. I am happy that he believes me and I promise myself to never break his belief in me.

Third person pov:

          Kongpob's Dad called Arthit to talk to him in privately. All others are enjoying their happiness. Kongpob's Dad said "Arthit son you have proofed yourself that you can take care of Kong in this one year challenge. I am happy to give his hand to you. But remember Kong is still studying and he have to complete his studies. He should get treatments too, so be careful until he completed his studies".

         Arthit said "Yes Dad  I will remember it. Thank you for trusting and giving Kong to me, I will take care of him here after. But Por How are we going to explain to Kong about the medicine".

            "Listen son I don't know whether the medicine is required or not. After Kong loss his virginity his body will automatically change. The medicine is precaution for Kong what if his body does not  change because of the medicine we gave to him while he is young. So don't worry we will tell him that it is vitamin medicine. For his body to not get tired because of studies".

         Arthit just nodded and said "ok Dad I understand. Their may or may not be chance for us. The medicine may or may not help us. I know that from the beginning. I just don't want to hurt Kong. Dad, Mae said that their are some problems because of  that you people decided to marry us. What is it".

       Kongpob's dad signed and said "son you know our business opponent Sam Wattana he knows Kongpob's medical records and threating to leak it to media. He is demanding us to stop merging our Company. If Kongpob's medical records are leaked there will be many threats that they will consider him as special species and make a research on him. If you claim him as yours no one will touch him. If the question and answers are over shall we go and join others". Arthit just nodded and joined their parents.

             Kongpob asked " Por and Dad why did you people invite our friends".

          Arthit's Por said " hoo son we forget to say that today is your engagement".

      Both shouted again "what"
Kongpob's mom said "you two don't shout we are not deaf".

              Arthit said "you mean engagement party ". Arthit's Mae said "no no Baby it only involve our family and friends that's why we invited your friends".

           Kongpob said "we are doomed P". "Yes we are and how are we going to explain it to them". Kongpob said "P why don't we let our parents break the news to them". "Yes it is good idea Kong. So you people are going to tell them not us".

          Arthit's Por protested "they are your friends you people should tell them not us". Arthit said "hoo really we already took a long decision about the wedding. So we are tired. You people are one who wanted marry us so you should tell them otherwise the engagement is cancelled". Both Arthit and Kongpob smirked to their parents. Their parents signed and agreed. Kongpob's dad said "let's go out and inform them"

           When they go out to inform their friends they saw all are tensed expect Bright, Tutah and Oak. They are the only people muching the snacks, brikering  and joking. We they saw Arthit's and Kongpob's parents they greeted them.

             Arthit Por said "so guys how are you people doing. Do you enjoy the snacks". Knot is the one who replied for all "we are fine uncle and thank you for the snacks". Kongpob's dad said "so what do you guys think about Spain". They all looked confused Wad said "it is a beautiful place uncle once I and P'Perm visited their for photoshoot". Namtan said "yes uncle I also know most of the places in Spain".

Arthit's Mae said "it is good then you people can manage yourself during wedding". They said in unison "wedding". Prem asked "who's wedding is in Spain Aunty". Arthit's Mae said " hoo Kongpob and Arthit are getting married in 3 weeks and we need you people to help us through the whole wedding. And today is their engagement. We already prepared their dress for engagement but we want you people to select your dresses for the engagement party tonight". All shouted in unison " what". "Wedding". "Engagement". "Party". "Tonight".

Kongpob's mom said "oof why are you people always shouting we are not deaf. Do you people have any problem with their wedding and engagement". All said a "no". Arthit's Por said "good then let's get started".


Hi friends thank you for your votes and comments. I hope this chapter is not boring. I have tried my best to make it entertaining. Most of you have guessed the answer of Kongpob in last chapter so how can I disappoint you people. Thank you.

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