Kings Island

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The dream starts off with me and my band class on a planes going to Hawaii. All of the sudden, the planes lights started flickering and the plane started falling. It then shows a plan falling into the ocean and i guess we all died? Anyway, then it cuts to me at a huge building in kings island (it's an amusement park in Mason Ohio for those of you that don't know) and i was walking down a hallway to go visit my cousin at her house because she for some reason lives in a hallway at Kings island. Anyway, i stopped at a door frame without a door and saw my cousin standing there looking a bit upset. Apparently she lived in that empty doorway, not the hall but just that doorway, and was upset that she didn't decorate for Halloween since that was today. I told her it was fine and that we should just take a walk. Then out of nowhere we were in my backyard taking a walk. The walk lasted about five minutes and then we were back at Kings island but this time i was in the main room of the building and my aunt, other cousin, and sister were also there. Apparently there was a show going on there and it was incredibly crowded. So my other cousin decided that he would go around the actual park with his friends and then left us. Then the show started. The crowd roared with applause and then out came... Morgz... Everyone got very excited and started waving around some of his merch and going insane even though all he was doing was jumping up and down and yelling. After two hours of this, i asked my aunt if we could go ride some rides but then she leaned over and said "not right now! It's getting to the best part!!" And then proceeded to watch Morgz jump around. That's when i woke up extremely confused and concerned for my brain.

For those of you that don't know who Morgz is, he is basically a YouTuber that does these challenges but they are so incredibly fake that they are hilarious. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed, bye!!

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