17- Mix Signals

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Jimmy signed the deal even though he didn't get with me, I went to the meeting and he avoided me like a plague. It was the happiest day of my life and I wasn't the only one that was pleased with this arrangement. James was elated to get Jimmy out of his hair.

But he has been acting strange since that day, he's been spending a lot more time with me, which is strange but who's complaining. I know that he's my bodyguard but when he started working he was distant and cold. Now he's with me all the time, it's like old-time but he's closer now.

Like last Sunday when we had a family dinner.

Sunday was the only day the family got together, we would attend church, then at dinner at either our family house or grandpa's. Everyone was present: Mom and dad, Auntie Amber and Uncle Dave along with their two sons Eric and Paul, who were kate's baby brothers, who were both seventeen years old. Auntie Ava and her son Charles attended too, Charles was a year younger than Marcus. Kate and her finance were there too and everyone had fun, we talked about our weekday, business, fashion, etc. James attended also, I was surprised, everyone was, he stopped attending after our trip, always coming up with an excuse not to attend. Marcus did make anything of it, no one did, everyone just brushed it off, everyone but Kate.

She was upset because James was acting like a coward.

When James entered my parent's mansion and kate saw him, she became red in anger.

"Oh, when I get my hands on him" she stated, I honestly feared what kate would do, she could get really mad if someone hurts someone she loves. You had to live here, she would always have your back.

As the night went on, James made no effort to talk to me until everyone started heading to the dance floor.

"Hey kid " I looked around to see James behind me, kid, just like old times.

"Hey Jamie," I said calling him the nickname I gave him, the atmosphere around us relaxed, it felt different, not like it was when I just arrived, a lot has changed since I've come back. At least it has changed for me, I can't understand James, one minute we're kissing and the next he's avoiding me and acting like I don't exist. He's been sending mix signs and I don't know if I should act on my feeling or just let it be and hope that I get over him again, but to tell the truth I never really got over him. My feeling was just tucked somewhere waiting for James to find them and he did the minute he kissed me, I knew that I was gone.

"Are you nervous about next week " ah, next week, of course, I was, next week is the starting of the biggest fashion week of the year. My team and I have been working so hard for the past few months so that next week will be perfect.

"Even though next week is big, this isn't my first fashion week, I am nervous but not as nervous as I was at my first ever one "

"You never told me about your life in London," he said, I know I never did, kate knew more about what I was up to that anyone else in my life, it was rough at first, going through my first heartbreak in a strange city with no one that I knew. But then I met Annabelle, a fashion major and with my interest in fashion, we instantly clicked. We worked together and still do to this day, I threw everything I had into my work and succeeded, my family name gave me a boost in my career but everything else was hard work and I'm truly proud of what I achieved.

"You never asked "

"I'm asking now " and from that, we spent the rest of the night taking and catching up on everything we missed in each other's life.

Two days after the family dinner he asked me on a breakfast date, he didn't say it was a date but I girl can hope that it is. We had a lovely time, he made me laugh, I felt like everything was back to normal.

Now my team and I was doing our last preparation for the fashion show, marcus had insisted that James accompanied me to milan for protection. I agreed, but now I wonder if with the change of scenery, will that a greater change in our relationship.


Another chapter, I hope you like it.

Please feel free to comment your guys thoughts on what you think will happen in milan.

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