𝓣𝓇𝓎𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒫𝓉.2

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Chapter 27
a million words for "I'm sorry"•

Yin & yang facts
Children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren of children of the sun or moon will carry small fragments of their ancestors. Especially if they never found their soulmate and still reproduced. The small fragment will still try to find the other soul mate.
The closer in your genes to the original the stronger your pull will be to other descendants

Namjoon basically races to the location Jim said he was. Jin was at their old apartment that they first bought together. The apartment building had a huge fire. Luckily everyone got out but only half the building still remains. Jin must've went there to remember old times.

"Jin!?!? Seokjin?....." namjoon calls out walking through the dark hallways of his old apartment complex. He hears nothing worrying him. He carefully walks over the holes in the burnt floor carful not to fall through. He can't help but remember what the floor used to look like when they stayed there together.


Namjoon layed in his bed facing the wall. He looks at the same photos he always has. The ones of Yoongi smiling with him and hoseok. He bring the photos close to his heart like he does every night and closes his eyes. Please god let me see his face again. Bring me dreams of Yoongi.

Regretting the coffee he drank two hours before Namjoon realizes he probably won't sleep anytime soon. He hears a lot of banging noises coming from his neighbor next door. They are new so it's not uncommon to hear unboxing when someone is unpacking but at midnight? Namjoon couldn't take the noises anymore.

He gets up and grabs a warm hoodie and some sweat pants since before he was only in boxers. He slowly walks out of his apartment then walks over to his neighbors door. He feels his heart warm up in a weird way. Ignoring it he knocks on the door.

After a couple noises of shuffling the door opens to reveal a very distressed male. The male smiles at him and opens his door all the way to reveal an apartment covered in boxes.

"I'm so sorry did I wake you up? I've been unpacking since 8 am and I just can't sleep knowing I have all this stuff out." He says with a worried face looking at Namjoon for a reaction. "It's honestly whatever...would you like help?" Namjoon says surprising himself.

"That would actually be really nice if you thank you my nam is jin" he says while letting Namjoon inside his home. Namjoon walks inside feeling very warm. He notices three Heaters scattered around the apartment. Jin who takes notice of Namjoon staring laughs. "Oh sorry if it's really hot in here. I rarely contain any body heat is I rely on my heaters to keep me warm." He says wrapping a blanket around himself.

"That's pretty funny considering I have the opposite problem" Namjoon says smiling. The two exchange conversation all night while unpacking Jins stuff. Since then Namjoon would come every morning and the two would have breakfast together. Over the course of a couple months Namjoon realized he felt something for Jin and the two became official not too soon later.

"Hey baby?" Namjoon said while looking at jin. Jin looked at him with worrying seeing Namjoon about to cry. He immediately rushed over to comfort him holding his head in his chest while Namjoon cried. It was the first time he had ever seen Namjoon cry. It broke his heart hearing Namjoon cry out in pain like that.

"Namjoon what's wrong?" He says lifting Namjoons face so that they are maintaining eye contact. "I h-had a nightmare m-my friend w-when I was younger had d-died and I never really got over it"he says wiping his tears and calming down. Jin Hugged him and listened to his new boyfriend explain what had happened to his friend Yoongi. He explained his deep love for his friend and how broken he became when Yoongi disappeared.

Jin immediately because namjoons emotional crutch and new everything about him. He even once visited Antarctica with Namjoon to pay his respects for Yoongi. With therapy and time with seokjin Namjoon was able to get through anything and now was one hundred percent dedicated to jin. That was until more recent events.

End flashback

"Jin?..." Namjoon said looking at his ex boyfriend laying on his old bed. It was left there along with a lot of other things of their own since it was too dangerous to go back for them. "Jin it's dangerous here please let's leave." Namjoon pleads and he sits on the foot of the bed looking at a broken jin. Jin sits up and hugs Namjoon. "Namjoon my heart hurts...it's breaking..." seokjin lifts up his shirt to reveal a dark purple spot where his heart is.

"We can't let that happen can we?" Namjoon says smiling at jin. He hugs him tightly in his arms and hums a song until he starts singing it.

~Every little thing is going to be alright~
~don't worry, about a thing~
~ because every little thing is going to be alright~

Jin looks up at Namjoon with a slight smile hearing the same song he used to comfort Namjoon during his hard times. "You won't leave me again right?" He says looking at Namjoon face with worry. "I can promise you jin I'm not going anywhere again. I'm here for only you." Namjoons smiles at jin realizing what he needed all along. He needed jin.

After a couple seconds jin leans in to kiss Namjoon. Their kiss reminds them both of times before. Namjoon pulls away to look at how beautiful jin looking in the night sky. His eyes sparkled like glitter as his cheeks turned cold. Namjoon knew what he had to do now. He layed jin down on the bed ever so slowly. Jin blushes at the action while Namjoon slowly lifted up jins shirt.

He revealed the dark purple mark and brushed over it with his thumb feeling very cold skin. He slowly leaned down and his hind chest where his heart would be. The two watched as the spot glowed and looked as though it healed itself. The dark mark disappeared into nothing right before their eyes. They both laughed and gave eachother a huge hug.

"I love you jin and I'm so sorry for what I did" Namjoon says burying his face into jins neck. As if saying 'I forgive you' Jin gave Namjoon a long kiss on the forehead and the two left the old apartment complex that held so many memories.

Soooooo what did you think? 😊😊😅

Please if you liked this chapter vote, and comment letting me know your favorite part 💕

Also I feel like the name of the reading list my book is in are like calling me out 😂😂😂

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