Chapter 3

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Justin POV:
The next morning I wake up and realized that Im almost late for class I jump up and took a shower brushed my teeth and put on a blue shirt with some white pants. I grabbed a granola bar. I looked over and seen that Ariana was still sleep. I shook her . "'Ari" I said she wouldn't wake up so I let her sleep. I walked out the door and went to my class I texted Ariana
    Justin💙: hey I had class I tried to wake you up but you wouldn't get up so I let you sleep make sure you lock my door on the way out

I put my phone down after class I went to the gym and started working out I see this cute girl with blonde hair she was working out I decided to walk over there to her." Hi" I said " hey " she said " I'm Justin " I said " I'm Kayla "she said " nice to meet you I was wondering if you would like to have coffee sometimes"  I said " sure "Kayla said " and you must be new cause I never seen you here before" I said " yea I'm a freshmen " Kayla said " well tell me when you ready to get some coffee" I said " how bout we go now" she said "'sure" I said we walked over to Starbucks we ordered and sat down." So tell me about yourself " I said " well I'm 18 bout to turn 19 next month I love fashion and want to become a model" Kayla said " that's cool" I said then my phone buzz

Ariana❤️:hey I'm up now last night was fun we should do it again sometimes

               Justin 💙: yes we should

" so tell me about you" Kayla said " well I'm 20 years old I like to sing and party a lot" I said " cool I love to party to" Kayla said " speaking of  parties I heard there one tonight at Greater Hall we should go" I said " is that a date" Kayla said smiling " nah it's just me welcoming you to California state" I said " okay I'll go" Kayla said " okay meet me at Greater hall at 8" I said " okay" she said we finished our drinks and we both left

Ariana POV:
So after I left Justin dorm I went over to Kayla dorm. I knocked on the door and she wasn't there I texted her
Ariana❤️: Girl wya

               Kayla💕: I was having coffee with a friend you need something?

Ariana❤️: I was coming to see if you can help me find something to wear tonight

            Kayla💕: I can I will meet you at your house in 10

Ariana❤️: okay

So I drove home and I got out and went inside.a few minutes later Kayla came . " so where you going tonight " Kayla said " I might be going to this party " I said " talking bout the one at Greater Hall" Kayla said " I was thinking bout it but I wanna get in a sorority so I'm go to one of their parties " I said " well you should wear this black dress with some heels" Kayla said "Okay are you going to that party tonight " I said " yea somebody actually invited me" Kayla said " that's cool "  I said " well I should g e.g. going I don't wanna be late."Kayla said
She walked out

Justin POV:
I went home and I changed clothes and got ready for this party. I started walking to Greater Hall. I seen Ariana walking to one of the sorority parties she had on this tight black dress she looked so sexy. By time I got there Kayla was standing there she had on a black top with a skirt." Hey" she said " hey you ready " I said we went in and it was already a lot of people hear " you wanna drink" I said " sure" Kayla said I went to the kitchen and I fixed her a drink and me a drink . I brought it back. " here you go" I said she grabbed it and started drinking it really fast " calm down " I said " I'm sorry this is just really good" Kayla said she went and got here another drink we started dancing and having a good time . She started twerking on me we was having such a good time we even took pictures. " I'll be back" she said so I sat down and I got a text on my phone

Ariana❤️: wya?

          Justin💙: at this party at Greater Hall

Ariana❤️: oh can I see you later😉

           Justin💙: I don't know I might be coming home late

Ariana❤️: okay but I miss you 😘

           Justin💙: miss you too

" hey who were you texting" Kayla said " nobody " I said she sat in my lap she looked at me and I looked at her " I wanna kiss you" I said she leaned in and I leaned in and we started kissing  I put my hands around her waist I started kissing her neck giving her hickeys " we should take this somewhere else " she said " let's go to my dorm" I said we got up and went to my dorm. She pushed me against the wall we started kissing and she started unbutton my pants she took my shirt off she started kissing down and down and started sucking my dick then she went back up we got on the bed

 She pushed me against the wall we started kissing and she started unbutton my pants she took my shirt off she started kissing down and down and started sucking my dick then she went back up we got on the bed

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She was giving me everything I put my dick inside of her and we were going really good the bed was even shaking. After we was done I ended up falling asleep.

Ariana POV:
So after I came back from the party I decided to drive home. I got home and changed my clothes and got in my bed I was scrolling on Instagram and I seen  Kayla posted this

 I got home and changed my clothes and got in my bed I was scrolling on Instagram and I seen  Kayla posted this

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@kaylatheone: had fun with them 😌

So Kayla and Justin we're hanging out wow . She did say she was going to the party . I started walking Netflix until I ended up falling asleep

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