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A Celebratory Affair (I)

Song: God's Plan by Drake


In the early hours of the morning, somewhere between six-thirty, Chloe sat in her old bed staring at the picture frame. Inside the frame was a picture of her and Jaxon attending the annual Stewart's Family Reunion in the summer. Her fingers graze the glass as she remembered it was celebrated on the Fourth of July with family coming from mainly the West and South.

There would be the delicious smell of food grilling and boiling cooked by the men themselves while the women were busy attending to mostly the side dishes. The young children of the generation would be playing on the playground and the bouncy house with joy of laughter.

The shuffling of playing cards and slamming of dominos hitting the table shook as family members, mostly males argued. The music of today's time and old always brought the rhythm out of each family member until it finally was night time. The fireworks were shot into the air while sparkles were lit to trace names.

Chloe scoffs playfully, "The memories..." She eyed the picture once more as she and Jaxon were embraced in a hug. Both wore the family's shirt while Chloe and Jaxon wore matching khaki shorts with converse.

A knock suddenly interrupts Chloe's train of thought as she quickly slid the picture under her pillow.

"Come in." She crossed her legs as Georgia made her entrance into the room dressed in her pajamas and night robe. "Mama, what are you doing up this early?"

Georgia left the door ajar as she took the time to sit on the bed wanting to spend a few minutes with her granddaughter in the early hours of the morning.

"I always get up early since your grandfather likes to stay up and watch television all night," Georgia complained of her husband as Chloe giggled. "What are you doing up early?"

She shrugs, "I couldn't sleep and my mind has been on a lot of things at the moment."

"Like Jaxon Avery," Georgia answered with a sly smirk. "Your grandfather told me last night when I went to get some water."

Chloe's cheek blushed, "Yeah, we had our small reunion last night and...and it didn't go well."

With her lips pressed softly together, Georgia smiled, "Well, what did you expect Chloe? For him to jump for joy knowing he hasn't seen you in years."

"I know mama...he's changed over the years and I mean...change." Chloe bit her lip as she thought about how that boyish grin transformed into a stoic face. Also, his physical stature had triggered her thoughts.

"Changed how?" Georgia asked as she was now more in tune with the conversation.

"Of course his physical features have evolved but his tone...he's not that gentle guy I use to know." Chloe thought back to the awkward encounter last night. "Every question I asked Jaxon, he responded in a sharp and sarcastic tone."

Georgia just shook her head, "Well, I've seen him on separate occasions but he's never answered to me like that."

Chloe rolled her eyes, "Because he respects you and knows not to even go there with you."

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