engulfs me as
I wonder in
my thoughts.Sadness
stabs at my
heart in an
ebbing flow.Death
nicks at my
neck, calling for
my soul.I am the only way out.
There is no getting better now.
I am here for you. All
You have to do is listen.I refuse, I deny,
I wonder, I think,
I ponder, I imagine,
I see it. I see death.It looks into my soul.
It surrounds me in darkness,
engulfing me in untold sorrow.
It speaks to me.
Speaking in a
song of sadness.All you have
to do is
pull the trigger.PULL. THE. TRIGGER.
It's my way out. My only way out.
I now know what I must do, I
must pull the trigger, and so.. I DO.