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You sigh exasperatedly at the sight of the mess in the room. All these crumpled papers filled with scribbles seemed to live on the ground. Nothing was coming to you. It was all wrong, and it didn't sound right.

You let your head down onto the keys on the piano, an act of giving up. The instrument cries an awful sound, the keys screaming for help.

As if to answer a call, the door suddenly opens.

Warmth surrounds your body. You smile and turn around, facing the person who you know will make you feel better."Y/N~ are you okay?" Wonpil asks, his eyes full of concern. 

His hands caress your cheeks gently. Your smile turns sad, "it's not working out right now. I can't think." Wonpil sits down with you then pulls you into a comforting hug.

"It's going to be alright. You'll figure everything out because you're my talented, pretty, kind, and genius Y/N," Wonpil assures softly. 

He pulls away, keeping his hands on your shoulders to see a gorgeous smile on your face. Shyly looking at his lap, he grins like an idiot and mutters, "you're so cute Y/N."

You lift Wonpil's head to your level. A laugh escapes your mouth as he starts to make funny faces. He then carefully takes the back of your head and closes the distance between you and him with slow and delicate kisses. As you pull back, both of you lightly chuckle.

"Thank you, Wonpil," you say.

He smiles. "Should we play something together?" Wonpil asks, turning to the piano. Replying with a yes, you turn to the piano.

A sweet aura fills the room as you and Wonpil play and sing.

And this is how you like it. Doing the thing you love to do with the love of your life. 

It makes you happy.

happy // day6 wonpilWhere stories live. Discover now