07 Valentine's day part 1

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I hope y'all like this it's really long part two coming soon

Being in love with Veronica lodge was easy

Truthfully it was probably one of the most simple effortless and all around natural feelings Archie Andrews had ever experienced in his short life

It almost seemed that she had always been there always holding that space in his heart a waiting game that had finally reached it's end

Veronica was his everything his orbit his anchor and she knew it

Archie told her everyday how much she meant to him how much she mattered how he could hardly breathe when she wasn't by his side Not a day by when the words didn't slip from his lips

He told her he loved her while she was sitting in the stands at his football games Heck he screamed it all the way from the field not caring if she didn't hear it He wanted everyone to know

He told her he loved her wrapped up in the checkered blue sheets of his bed her raven black hair softer than his cotton sheets

He told her he loved her lying together on the fluffy white rug of her living room The fire roaring in front of them as he kissed her forehead

He told her he loved her everywhere and everyday because he did He loved her anywhere and everywhere he always had and he always would she loved him too Veronica Lodge loved Archie Andrews It was an odd sentence for her so foreign and unbelievable to her past self but it was true

She really loved him

She showed him in the ways her fingers would comb through his hair late at night the words

I'm staying

Echoing through his small house

She knew when he needed her she knew when he was drowning and she never let him sink Veronica battled her parents prejudice of Archie to be there for him when his dad was shot

When Veronica father closed down Southside high Archie stood by her side battling the dirty looks and harsh whispers when she came up to kiss him in the mornings at school

He stood by her and that mattered

She never Questioned him never yelled she listened to his ideas let him sink in before coming right back with effortless support and determination sharp enough to rival his own

Their worlds were scary dangerous dark and constantly filled with the inevitable threat of complete and total destruction It was a heavy load to carry and while the weight of their shoulders seemed to be intent on burying them in the ground They survived together they kept their feet on solid ground and pushed forward

Nothing was as magical as the time Veronica told him she loved him and that night ahead whispered promises and skin on skin a connection a Bond so deep and permanent that the thought of being without each other wasn't even possiblity not now not anymore That night was theirs the love they shared belonged to them and them only The real world could be scary and cruel and scary and cruel had no place in what they had

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