Part 7 The Back Story

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Midoriya's pov

"She has a latex Allergy so leave her alone. And now I am going to get you back for this!" Kacchan yelled running towards them.

I tried my best avoid the paint but it was all over the entrance to his dorm. Then I came up with a stupid but great idea. Jump of the balcony. If I used One for All I probably wouldn't hurt myself. Only I had to make sure no one saw me so they don't think I was committing suicide.

The view from the balcony was amazing. Well actually all I saw was the city but it still was a nice view. I had make it quick.  I used One for All and jumped like 10 yards away from the dorm but safely on the ground. Since I forgot my Epipens I decided to go get them. I texted kacchan first though so he wouldn't worry.

It took me ten minutes but I finally found them in the back of my medicine cabinet. While I was walking home I realized they didn't know that well so I needed to tell they that I have a latex Allergy and I am allergic to strawberries. Sometimes I eat them because I love the taste but I make sure I have my Epipens. 

When I got back Kirishima was making Katsudon. My favorite. I was walking to my dorm when Mina and Sero run up to me. "We're sorry. We didn't know." they both say at the same time.

" I already forgave you." I say as I put my pens in my backpack,"If I ever get an allergic reaction my pens are in my bag."

"Dinner is ready!" I hear Kirishima yell. Everybody rushes to the elevator. I ran to the backup stairs because I felt like the elevator was going to break with everyone in it. Kirisima served me a bowl. It took a while for everyone to get downstairs. We were all sitting at the table in silence when Kaminari asked me a question.

"So Midoriya, what do you think of UA."

"It's not what I expected." I responded.

"Why is that?"he asked.

"Lets just say that some people should be expelled." I glared at Mineta who was still trying to reach his bowl from the kitchen counter. Everyone nodded in agreement.

"So, when did you and Bakugou become a thing?" Mina asks changing the topic.

"Well it started with me dating Todo-"

"You dated Todoroki?!" most of them say  at the same time. They they all started bombarding Todoroki with questions.

"How did Midoriya's lips taste like?" Mineta asked which got him a slap from Tsuyu.

"You guys liked each other?"

"How long did you date?"

"Do you still like each other?"

"Woah, Woah, Woah. You didn't let me get into the details." I said making them all shut up. " All the girls in his school kept bothering him so he said if I dated him for a week he woould pay me 100,000 yuan.  It took a lot of acting because we didn't like each other. After a week I stopped acting in love with that often because the week was over. Though I had to act sometimes because the girls believed it. Todo could tell I liked I liked Kacchan so he wrote a love letter to him and acted like it was from me. Kacchan believed it and we started dating in private until the end of the school year. I never like Todo."

There was a long silence until we something break. Mineta was trying to get his bowl of Katsudon but he accidentally dropped his bowl. No dinner for I guess. 

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