Karen waited impatiently for the bell to ring, knowing her true love was waiting for her at home. FINALOLLLUYYYHAYHv! The school bell rang and she rushed into the hallway, but oh no! Linda was there. YES LINDA. Linda was a straight up M-word. A macaroon with no flavour. WHERE IS THE FLAVOUR RRR. “Hey Kaaren you beech,” Lynda attacked.
“At least I don’t dress like a 3rd grader!” Karyn attacked baclk. This was funny because they are 4th graders. AHAHAhaha laugh bitch. Kareen continued these attacks, “Your’e just jealous cause yOu don’T have a BOYfRIEND you heccing LOS ER!!”
Lindia had no clap back, for she has no hands and cannot clap. Lindyaaia ran away in histerics, knowing she will never find true love like Kareyne has.Karyni continued her sprint for home, thinking of the bullet to her chamber, the mine to her craft, the hammer to her head, her one love. After 5 minutes of sprinting, she was home, home at lasT. Her lovely abode was trash. It was made of sticks, but Karyne didn’t care for she had the internet for her babe. She rushed inside, her eyes immediatly trained on her sexc boyfriend. “Oh I’ve missed you babe ;),” Now I know everyone had been wondering, who is this sexy mystery man? Which hairy, manly, macho, grizzly, muscular man won over Karena’s heart? Well the answer is the Ginormous Ostentatious Oozing Grizzly Long Erection, or Google. Yes, Google has Kareyns heart.
“Google, hurt me babey ;).”
In Google’s sexc robotic voice, he repsonded “How stupid fo you have to be to flunck 4th grade 7 times, you 18 year old loser. Loser. Loser. Loser. Loser.”
“HAhahah youre so sExc hbahhahahahahahahahaahahahahaah babey let me stroke your keyboard” Kareyn stroked her fingers up and down Google’s keyboard, pressing all the right buttons. Google let out a robotc moan of pleasure. But then suddenly, a loud boom came from outside. It was Lyndiaaaia the 4th grader!!! She brought an AK-47 cause there is no gun control in america after Trump pandered to the Republicans for votes!!!! Lindiya loudly exclaimed “VIVA LA FUCK YOU KAREN” and shot Kareyn!!!!!!!!!! The end.