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I was walking the halls of School of Six, holding my green notebooks, folders, and binder close to my chest. The hood of my green hoodie was up, and was definitely gonna get me in trouble (and ruin my space buns), but I didn't care. I kept walking, until I bumped into Katherine Howard. Katherine's eyes widened and then she laughed and nodded. "Hey, Anne!"

"Hey, cuz... Uh, are you okay?" I looked down at the pink binder and notebook that Katherine dropped, and Katherine just laughed and bent over to pick them up. Some guys wolf whistled as Katherine was wearing a pink skirt and it went up, but I chased after them while yelling "Motherfuckers! Step off! That's my cousin, motherfuckers! Do you know what she's been through?!"

After I was done chasing those awful boys, I returned to Katherine, who had sorted her stuff and chuckled. "You don't have to protect me, Anne! It's all good." Katherine looked over to the side, probably remembering those evil men that hurt her.

I put my arm around her, "Don't think about the past, Katherine. Besides, what would I do if those boys hurt you? I wouldn't be able to live with myself!"

She laughed and then smiled a bit before looking over at Anna of Cleves, a new student here. She smiled wider and then turned back to me, "Do you have a crush, Anne? I asked you on the phone the other day and you didn't answer me!"

I scratched my neck a bit as I thought about Catherine of Aragon. She's the most popular girl in school, also happening to be the hottest... I laughed and looked over at Katherine. "No, I don't have a crush."

Katherine saw my blush, though, and teased me. "Yes you do! Aw, that's so cute! Is it Catherine Parr? Or... Ooh! Ooh! Catherine of..."

"Don't say it out loud!" I whisper yelled, putting my hands over Katherine's mouth. "She can't know!"

Katherine squealed and pushed my hands away. "Anne! That's so cute!"

"Yeah, well, you have a crush on that Cleves girl."

"No I don't!" Katherine blushed and looked away, which gave me enough evidence in itself.

We kept laughing as we walked together to math, and as soon as we opened the door, we were greeted with Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon flirting. Catherine looked uncomfortable, but Henry didn't. I don't understand how Henry is so popular here at School of Six when he looks like that.

I sat down next to Katherine, with Anna on the other side of me. I leaned back so Katherine could flirt with Anna (that's definitely what she was doing) and I smiled at how cute they were.

All of a sudden, Catherine yelled (out of nowhere, too, I'm guessing), "Eating clocks is very time consuming!"

Everyone in the class burst out laughing, including me. But Jane Seymour didn't laugh, a puzzled expression moving across her face.

The only bad part of the class was when both Catherine of Aragon and I didn't have our homework, which inevitably meant we'd have detention together.

Detention. Together.

Just Tryna Have Some Fun [Aralyn]Where stories live. Discover now