Chapter Twenty

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On Wednesday, Amelia found herself in a boardroom of Marlon Publishing Inc. Making herself comfortable, she tried to banish the twinges of anxiety churning inside her stomach. 

Relax, Amelia, relax! After taking a deep breath, she focused on the meeting that was about to take place and James, who waited downstairs. 

So much was going on in her life that she hadn't even prepared for this moment. One sweet thing Casey had done for her was to surprise her with a gift for Eid. He had reminisced about his military trips to Afghanistan. Upon learning about the festival, James had cooked a feast, which had been fit for royalty. The holiday was all about family and James was her everything now. 

The door opened and a handsome, sandy-blond man in his mid-forties with hazel eyes swept in. Recognizing the owner from her research, she stood up as a courtesy. Two more people followed in, but they didn't spare her a look while taking their seats.

Something was amiss. Were they having second thoughts about her? Where was the editor-in-chief? True, she didn't have years of writing experience, but Ian had seen potential in her. Then why wasn't he there?

"Miss Amelia Aslan, finally we meet. I'm Eric Adams. This is Haley and Joe. I have been looking forward to meeting you ever since Ian mentioned your name."

The formal handshakes with no smiles sent chills down her spine. It made her fear the worst. Oh God, they hate my work. This had to be it. She bit her lips.

"Please sit." Eric's lip curled into a condescending smile.

Amelia sat down, wiping her sweaty hands under the table. She met Eric's relentless gaze.

"Even though I am meeting you for the first time, I feel like I know you already. But let me introduce myself. I started this company through pure grit and no shortcuts. It was no easy feat. Therefore, I'm involved with all the potential authors my staff wants to take on. Now, Ian has read the first three chapters of your work, and he is impressed, but that's the thing about him. He gets easily excited."

Amelia's eyes grew round at the implication. It was no secret she was dating James. Many articles had highlighted their romance ever since people had found about them. Some reporters had even contacted her family to get whatever dirt they could.

"Now, Joe has read your work too, and he tells me that you have serious talent," Eric conceded with something akin to a grudge.

 The other man jumped in. "Yes. Before I start, where is your last name from? It's a pretty uncommon name."

"I'm an American," Amelia corrected him, taken aback by the random question.

"What I mean is that we are both a part of an immigrant community given you are Musli—"

"As I said, I'm an American. I was born here like my father," she emphasized with politeness. "And, Joe, let's focus on my work as I am not here to exchange political or theological views, alright."

"Amelia, here is the thing. You came highly recommended by my editor-in-chief, who you met at the gala. It's where James Weston introduced the two of you. At the time, Ian didn't know he is your boyfriend. I mean, all the papers are talking about you right now." Eric took over the conversation and laid bare the crux of the matter.

Haley gave her a sympathetic look before staring at her well-manicured hands on the table.

"I don't think my personal life and ethnicity are of any importance," she replied indignantly while dying with humiliation inside.

"Your personal life is relevant when you are dating the owner of WEC. A man who has no scruples when it comes to flirting with the law." Eric continued to skewer her with a scowl. "I speak of flirting figuratively, here."

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