"BYE AUNT CLARY!" I yelled and stuffed my phone in my back pocket at the same time.
"BYE MELISSA!" I typed a really fast message, with most probably a lot of spelling mistakes, asking my best friend where our practice is. I slipped on my Uggs and combed my long auburn hair over my shoulder with my fingers. Then I grabbed my jacket and ran out the door, fishing out my keys from my pockets. I found them and unlocked Renesmee. I named my black Cadillac srx 'Renesmee' after me and my team saw breaking dawn, yep, I'm a twighlighter! TEAM JACOB ALL THE WAY! Ok, so right now I was on my way to my ringette practice. Ringette's kinda like hockey, but with a different stick and a ring. Plus there's a few other rules, like; there aren't face-offs, you can't skate in the goalies crease, and you have to pass over the blue lines. It's the fastest game on ice, and I wouldn't stop playing for the world.
I jumped in the driver's seat and started the ignition, then pulled out of the driveway. My bag and stick were already packed in the trunk. My phone vibrated, telling me that Lauren, my best friend, answered my texts.
Lauren Ranalli- practice is at Appelby rink 3 :) get hot choclte 4 mee!!!
Right as she texted me that, I saw the Tim Horton's ahead, so I pulled in the drive-thru and got two mediums. Since Aunt Clara and I live only five minutes away from Appelby, I got there in no time. But finding a spot was hard.
I was currently forcing myself not to yell and honk the horn because of the grandma that couldn't figure out which key she's supposed to use. I saw my friend Tiffany walk towards the door and turn around, then laugh at me. What are friends for, right? I simply rolled my eyes and banged my head on the steering whee- HOOONNNKK. Um, oops? The grandma accidentally threw her keys across the dash board. Great. Now it'll take even longer...
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a spot open up just down the aisle. I probably should go at normal speed, but I'm not taking any chances. I sped all the way there and parked Renesmee right before her front bumper hit the curb. Then I swung my legs out, grabbed the hot chocolates, and pressed the automatic button for the trunk to open.
[In the change room]
"WHOOO YOU BROUGHT ME A HOT CHOCOLATE!" Is the first thing I hear when I push open the change room.
"YEP. You kinda asked for one, so... Here it is!" Lauren did a funny dance and whipped her thick dark hair in Tiff's face, and then ran up to me with her under armour on and a pair of bright pink socks pulled to her knees.
"HA. TAKE THAT TIFFURY." She looked over at Tiffany and we all laughed. We don't know why Lauren calls Tiff 'Tiffury'... It kind of came out of no where. But that's Lauren! Basically everything she does comes out of the blue. "She loves me more!"
"Ya right!" Shouted Tiffany. "Watch this! Hey Missy, can I have a sip of your hot chocolate?"
"Ya, sure." I handed her the cardboard cup after I sat down beside her on the bench.
Lauren made a (most likely) inhuman noise and started putting on her goalie equipment, while me and Tiffany laughed at her.
"Oh Lauren! You crack me up like an egg!" Tiffany said in an Irish accent, which she miserably failed at. Now we were laughing so hard we were sitting on the floor, and when Tiff attempted to put the hot chocolate on the bench, she ended up spilling it and making us laugh more!By now we were laying on the ground clutching our stomachs, and then of course, our coach, Dan, walks in... And it was awkward. Dan is Tiffany's dad, and hes coached our crazy team for over 4 years now. He looked at us funny.
"What is going on in here?" He asked.
"Um... We're waiting for the rest of the team!" Tiff answered. My face hurt from laughing so much. Meanwhile we were still laying on the ground in strange positions due to the fact we were rolling around.
Just then, Emma and Daniella walked in.
"I'M FILING A DIVORCE. I CANT BELIEVE YOU WOULD CHEAT ON M- Oh, hi Coach Dan!" Emma said, which caused me and Tiffany to crack up again. I couldn't even see what was going on, but eventually Dan left, and our laughing died down. I let out a deep breath then asked,
"Ok. So, why are you and Emma 'divorcing'?" I asked Daniella as she ripped out her under armour.
"She thinks I left her for my blackberry." I laughed at her and emma and she just smiled and kept getting ready. Yeah, I should probably do that too.
[After practice]
I pulled in the driveway and pulled out Renesmee's keys. As soon as I did, the front lights went out, and it was really dark. Even though it was only 8:30 pm, it was already pitch black because of the shorter days in November. It was also getting colder, I should have worn a sweater under my jacket. I slid my legs over the side of the seat, hopped out of the car, then shut the door. I decided on leaving my stuff in the trunk because, even with the street lights illuminating the street, it was somewhat scary standing there alone.
So I marched up the stairs that lead to Aunt Clary's gorgeous house. I punched in the code to unlock the door and I kicked off my boots in the corner, near the full length mirror. Every time I walk by, I check how I look. Sorry, bad habit.
Anyways, I noticed how tired I looked. I hadn't slept very well, I hadn't seen my mum in an three whole months. I mean, she is an actress and all, but sometimes I wish she told the media that I was her daughter. Maybe I would be able to travel with her then. My mum's name is Jenifer Aniston, so that makes me... Drum roll please... Melissa Aniston. The hidden child. Please note my lack of enthusiasm.
Yes, I have an amazing life. I have a beautiful house with a really kind lady, my Aunt Clary, looking after me. I have health, education, and wealth. What more could you want? I want my mum. And maybe my dad, but he's always been gone, so it wouldn't really make a difference to me.
So basically, I look identical to my mother besides my long, dark auburn hair and my dark brown eyes. I have the same skin complexion, were the same height, we have the same size feet, we both even have the same teeth, perfectly straight on the top, but then there's one tooth in the bottom that's slightly crooked. Though, she hid me well from the media when she was pregnant. She was on a break and simply got management to make it longer, then she got a double, some one who looks just like her, to do everything for her. Leave the house, pickup groceries, appear once in a while at an awards show or the red carpet and stuff.
I sighed, dragging myself up the stairs. I couldn't wait to rest my head and get some shut eye.