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"L/N! Get up!"

His sleep is interrupted by a voice. He jumps up immediately, running to the door. Opening it messily, he peeps his head, his eyes half closed. "Yessir!" Sprinting to the bathroom, he gets ready for whatever Bucciarati had to give him.

Y/N walks out, panting softly, greeting the black haired male in the kitchen. Bucciarati turns around, greeting him with a soft smile. "Good morning." "Mornin', sir." "No breakfast today." Both of their voices were groggy, but the two both seemed to be ignoring it. Bucciarati brushes past Y/N's arm, heading out to the car. Y/N's eyes follow him, before he follows him out to the car as well. Both hopping into the car, the engine starts and the car begins moving immediately. Bucciarati didn't say anything, and it confused Y/N.

"We've gotta head to the same cafe from yesterday." "Is this some sort of meeting place?" "Sure." Bucciarati chuckles softly, making Y/N's cheeks redden at the slightest. He didn't quite understand why Bucciarati's gentleness towards him made him feel so desperate for more. Just being in his presence made him quite content. The car halts, and Bucciarati, as always, opens the door for Y/N. Nodding subtly, they both head in.

"Good morning." "Hey." Y/N notice they all sat at the same table and in the same spots. Maybe this really was a meeting place. He nods to the group, before sitting down. Bucciarati still stood in front of the table, checking his watch worrisomely. "We have to leave in half an hour." They all seem to understand, except for Y/N. Sitting there silently, he cocked his head at the slightest, looking at Bucciarati curiously.

"Ah-Right. I always keep forgetting to tell you. We've got to go to a party." Y/N let his mouth droop open nodding. From the corner of his eye, he could feel Mista's eyes on him. He looks up, staring at him patiently. "Say, L/N. How old are you?" "N-Nineteen." He lets out a sigh in relief, as if he was expecting something bad. "At least you aren't like Giorno. He's fifteen!" They both glanced at the blonde haired male, who silently sipped on his cup of tea. Suddenly, Bucciarati heads out the door, looking behind his back. "Let's go." Y/N, along with the other five followed behind. "L/N, I forgot you were that tall! You scare me." "..What?"

All crammed in the car- well, except for Y/N and Bucciarati. Narancia sighed dramatically, fussing about. "When can we get out?!" "When we get there." "And when is thaaat?" "In an hour or so." Groans and grumbles came from everybody else. Y/N chuckled quietly, looking out the window. it was sunny, just like any other day. Sighing, he rests his face on his hand, yawning quietly. He did get enough sleep, he was just somewhat tired. It wouldn't hurt to nap for a bit..

Y/N woke up in an alarm, immediately looking in the backseat. Fugo looked quite furious, as he glared at Narancia. "Why can't you get this right?!" "I'm trying! Why do we have to do this in the car anywaaaaaays?!" Y/N grumbles quietly, before leaning on the window again. "Look, you woke up L/N." "Oh- Oops. Sorry L/N!" The male didn't say anything. Simply drifting off to sleep again.

"Wake up. We're here." A soft shake on his shoulder woke him up slowly. Y/N turned around to see Abbacchio look at him with the same disinterested look on his face, before getting out. Y/N stretched before getting out as well, noticing Mista seemed to be half awake as well. He looked up and saw a quite elegant building. "My legs went numb!" "Too bad." "Let's go." Y/N and the other five followed Bucciarati into the large building.

Greeted by people scattered all over the place, Y/N stood close to Bucciarati. The black haired male turned around, looking up to Y/N. "Stay by my side. Okay?" "Yessir." Smiling softly, Bucciarati began to walk into the crowd of people. Y/N felt a small tug on his suit. He turned around and saw Narancia and Mista cling onto Y/N, looking around. "I wonder what Bucciarati had to go here for." "Someone keeps putting their ass in my face!" Y/N chuckled as he followed Bucciarati in the crowd, with two little ducklings holding onto him. He was taller than almost everybody there, so it would be difficult to keep track of Bucciarati.

Finally catching up. Bucciarati seemed to be talking to someone. He took notice of their presence, and he smiled to the woman.

"This is my assistant and the rest of my group."
"You all seem very young!"

Y/N paused for a moment, but then nodded to the woman that Bucciarati was talking to.
"What a handsome lad."
"T-Thank you, ma'am."

The female only looked a couple of years older than Y/N though. She winks at Y/N, doing some sort of hand gesture that seemed to be a 'call me', before signaling to Bucciarati that she was heading off. Bucciarati continued to swim in the crowd of people, continuing to talk to whoever he needed to.

Each second got more difficult to keep up with Bucciarati. Y/N felt the two's grip on his suit loosen, and soon enough it wasn't there. "B-Bucciarati? Mista? Narancia? What-" He wandered aimlessly, looking for at least one of them. It was quite a workout considering Bucciarati's hair color was a difficult color to spot. He gave up looking for him, and began searching for the other members, yet no sign of them either. He sighed heavily, searching harder and harder. "L/N!" A voice called for him. He turned around and saw Fugo with a similar confused look that Y/N had as well. "I couldn't find any of them." "I can't either." Fugo now added to Y/N's search party, the two looked aimlessly.

"Fugo! L/N!" That smooth, rich voice called for the two. By the entrance was everybody else, and a what seemed to be a disappointed Bucciarati. Sighing in relief, they both trotted over to the entrance to be with the group. "Where were you guys?" "Where were you guys?" "We were looking for you!" "We were looking for you." Y/N could hear Abbacchio sigh heavily as they all walked back to the car. As Bucciarati unlocked the door, he looked up at Y/N with a genuinely worried expression plastered on his face. "Try not to lose track of me again." "Y-Yessir.."

Most of the ride was silent, Y/N could hear soft snores come from the back. They all seemed like small children that clung to both Y/N and Bucciarati hopelessly. Y/N chuckled at the thought, looking up at the ombré, cloud dappled skies, that was quite a beauty to Y/N. "We've got to go to another party. I promise it won't be like this one." "Yessir." Bucciarati glances at Y/N, chuckling as he placed a hand on Y/N's.

Mr. Bucciarati || Bruno x Reader (Male)Where stories live. Discover now